The Good News

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The next morning found Mochaccino Cookie gazing listlessly at the ceiling, his eyes vacant as he wandered through the labyrinth of his thoughts. His rest had been fitful, haunted by fragmented visions of his cherished kingdom, a distorted echo of home that remained just out of reach.

Though the exact duration of his sleep eluded him, he felt a faint sense of rejuvenation coursing through his weary frame. Whether he had slumbered through the entire night or merely stolen a few fleeting moments of rest mattered little in the face of his current predicament.

"You're awake." Red Velvet's voice pierced the silence, drawing Mochaccino Cookie's attention to the doorway. "Morning, scientist. I've brought you something to eat."

At the mention of food, a pang of hunger echoed within Mochaccino's stomach. He pushed himself into a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he cast his gaze upon the tray held in Red Velvet's hands. On it lay a bowl of hearty oatmeal, a colorful assortment of sliced fruit, a steaming cup of coffee, and a small glass of juice.

"As you can see, while you slept, this... room has been fitted with all the tools you will require to build Master's army," Red Velvet explained, his tone surprisingly deferential. "To ensure your continued productivity, you will be provided with proper sustenance and any necessary resources."

"How generous." Mochaccino remarked, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm as he accepted the tray from Red Velvet's hands. With a critical eye, he surveyed the contents, noting the array of fruits with mild surprise. Despite his circumstances, he couldn't help but appreciate the gesture, however begrudgingly.

Red Velvet's watchful gaze bore down on him, a silent reminder of his captive status. After a pregnant pause, the commander spoke, his voice carrying a warning tone. "You will be under the surveillance of Master's servants at all times. Attempting to escape will result in severe consequences."

"Escape is hardly my current priority," Mochaccino replied wearily, his exhaustion palpable in his voice. Though his thoughts lingered on freedom, he understood the necessity of biding his time, playing the role laid out before him. He held onto the hope of rescue, a glimmer of optimism amidst the darkness that enveloped him.

"Very well. I will leave you to your work," Red Velvet declared, his words firm but not unkind. "Remember, Mochaccino Cookie, failure is not an option. For your own sake."

As the commander departed, leaving Mochaccino alone once more, a heavy silence descended upon the chamber. The dim light cast eerie shadows across the walls, lending an air of foreboding to the room.

Mochaccino's gaze drifted to the wall of tools, their metallic gleam reflecting the faint glow of the lamp above. A shiver coursed through him, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach as he contemplated the tasks that lay ahead.

In the Dark Cacao Kingdom, the realm of sleep teetered on the brink of surrender to the approaching dawn. However, before the first rays of sunlight could breach the horizon, a shrill siren pierced the tranquility, accompanied by flashing red lights that startled Caramel Arrow from her slumber in Mochaccino's chamber. With a sense of urgency coursing through her veins, she sprang into action, hastily making her way to the lab.

As she entered the dimly lit room, her eyes were immediately drawn to the flashing red lights and the imposing figures of the five Cacao-Droids stationed within. One of them stood by the main console, its metallic frame poised as if awaiting further instruction.

"Cacao-Droids! What is the meaning of this alarm?" Caramel Arrow demanded, her voice commanding and resolute.

"The alarm has been triggered due to the prolonged separation of the Creator and his suit," the Cacao-Droid replied impassively, its features devoid of emotion.

A Light's Blackout - OC x Cookie RunWhere stories live. Discover now