2| Unwanted Guest

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The rich and tantalizing scent of curry and rendang daging swirled through the air, pulling Mariah irresistibly towards the kitchen. The aroma, thick with the promise of spices and cream, wrapped itself around her senses. Mariah's stomach growled loudly, a public announcement of her hunger since yesterday's dinner.

Just as Mariah's eyes landed on the kitchen door, a burst of laughter and chatter erupted from inside, freezing her hand hovering near the doorknob. The mansion, usually quiet, felt strangely alive with the noise that spilled from the living room all the way to the kitchen. Who were they?

Mariah wondered if a party or some event was happening in the mansion. Her baba, or even Zayneb, hadn't mentioned anything.

Curiosity burned. Unable to resist, she crept closer, her ear pressed to the cool surface of the kitchen wall. The voices, light and teasing moments ago, had taken a sharp turn. One voice, female and definitely familiar, cut through the chatter, its tone harsh.

"She's marrying Ustadh Alauddin? Can you believe it?" a spiteful voice hissed. "That girl doesn't deserve someone like him! It should be you, Ameena. You're the perfect wife for him, not her!" Her voice dripped with disdain as she hissed the last words.

Mariah's jaw clenched. A red-hot poker of anger jabbed at her gut. They were talking about her! Holding her breath, she listened further as the other voice, whom she recognized as her cousin Ameena, responded, "Do you think I deserve Ustadh Alauddin?"

"Absolutely!" The first voice came back strong. "You have everything – beauty, grace, kindness. Unlike her. She's nowhere near your level."

Mariah's blood felt like molten lava coursing through her veins. Someone was bad-mouthing her, big time! The voice, vaguely familiar, clicked into place. It had to be her aunt. Yes, Salama, her dad's younger sister, the ever-critical aunt, the one whose visits always left a sour taste in Mariah's mouth. What was the fakest among all her aunties doing here after such a long absence? A cynical thought flickered across Mariah's mind. Mariah guessed she must be visiting for money.

Before the gossip could simmer any further, Mariah threw open the kitchen door, a fake smile plastered on her face.

The women flinched, startled by her sudden intrusion. Mariah locked eyes with Salama, her smile hardening into a steely glare. "Well, well, well," she drawled, her voice laced with forced sweetness. "Aunt Salama! How lovely to see you. when did you arrive?"

Salama flustered, caught red-handed mid-gossip. "I, uh... I just arrived this morning. I thought you weren't home," she sputtered, her voice shaky and a nervous glance flickered towards Ameena, who sat frozen beside her.

Mariah let out a tinkling laugh, the sound devoid of any real humor. "Where did you think I was?" she asked, pulling out a chair and sitting down. "Well, I seem to have a talent for showing up at the most opportune moments as if I was being summoned." Her sarcasm dripped like honey, thick and sweet but laced with a hidden sting.

           Salama and Ameena crumpled under Mariah's gaze. The air crackled with tension, thick and suffocating like a heavy fog rolling in. Her smile stretched into a predator's grin and her eyes gleamed with a cold satisfaction as Salama and Ameena squirmed under her gaze.

          "The gossip must be juicy indeed," she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed sarcasm. "Since I could hear it from a mile away, I thought I'd join in on the fun.  Maybe even add some spice to it, wouldn't you say?"  Her smile remained fixed, but her eyes held a glint of steel. Friendly, yet firm. Unpredictable.

          The two women floundered, speechless. Salama stammered, "We were just, uh... catching up. Talking about your upcoming wedding with..."

           Mariah cut her off with a sharp laugh, a stark contrast to the playful tone she'd used moments ago. Her eyes narrowed, turning steely. "What exactly needed catching up on? Was there something unpleasant you felt required discussion?"

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