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A/N this is two chapter in one!! Hope you guys enjoy! The edited version will be out tonight!

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A/N this is two chapter in one!! Hope you guys enjoy! The edited version will be out tonight!

LORENA GIGGLED AS Elijah spoke to her. After he had threatened Nik of course. Currently she was giving him a tour of the house.

"I hate mystic falls but I love this home." She spoke smiling.

"I see it in your eyes sister." Elijah said as he smiled back at her.

Klaus was in the doghouse as Elijah made it clear he didn't want to speak with him. He knew Mikeal was dead which is what kept him from killing his brother.

"He's planning on waking them soon Lijah." Lorena spoke in reassurance trying to convince herself as well. "Besides I know you were quite disappointed to see he wasn't the one who had awoken you."

Elijah smiled at her sadly. "Very so." Elijah spoke before he paused. "I wish I could trust only your words Lorena. But Niklaus has proven to me time and time again that I cannot trust him." Lorena went to speak as Elijah held up a hand to stop her.

"Lorena, if I want my family back I have to take action back, I can't wait around for Niklaus forever, he might have the chance to dagger me again." Elijah chuckled at himself.

Lorena looked at him confused going to speak on what he meant by taking action before they were interrupted by her husband coming in through the door.

"It's been only three days and I already have to choose new furniture." Lorena said as she looked towards the broken table ignoring her husband.

"I apologize my love, I will get a replacement."

Lorena shook her head as she looked between the two. "I'm just thankful you two have made up." She could sense Elijah was up to something but she didn't want to say anything for the sake of jumping to conclusions, then again her senses were always right.


"A dinner party?" Lorena pondered the idea. She would rather have it if they killed the Salvatore's, they just seemed to like to cause unnecessary trouble in their lives.

"Yes, I've discussed it with Damon. We believe it is the best decision for us to have an alliance."

Lorena rolled her eyes. "Damon Salvatore isn't good at making decisions. I think this however is his worst one."

Elijah gave her a look.

"Oh god." Lorena paused in horror. "It was your idea wasn't it Lijah?" She chuckled at his expression. "I had a feeling. I suppose you are right then."

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