internets biggest fucking gaylord; James Marriott

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"c-c.. chat.. can i be real?" james stuttered, as the chat spammed no.

"well fuck you then" James then ragequit, his bussy filling with anger. He stopped streaming, put on them sexy ass docs, and walked out that door with surely some kind of mentally ill purpose.

He strut extravagantly to tesco with a gay pride flag on his shirt saying "im gay? and?" as some roadmen called him a fag as he sighed getting a little emotional and embarrassed.

Someone even yelled "not that yodelling twink" as he walked to the xbox gift card isle accidentally.

his demons refrained from coming out of his fat bussy and had an urge to cause James his potential first crime.

But, like the fucking wet wipe he is, he pushed the demons away.

James grabbed some Sirloin Steak and a single cucumber and walked out not paying (crime count: 1, steal)

As James was strutting home like the manly drag queen he was, he spotted a homeless.

"pls food im no home and homosexual" the homeless man begged.
James looked at them with disgust.

"how DARE YOU!!!! i'm trilingual, have a fat ass and NOT someone who donates to the POOR like YOU." James then spat on them, nicked the money and legged it.
(crime 2: mugged someone, crime 3: lying. He doesn't speak proper Portuguese. Lier.)

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