Ottopus and the WillNE pit

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James slammed the door shut and took a few deep breaths. He thought intensely about that sickening homeless person that he spat on.

"euuurrghh" James sniffed something (not the white stuff smh) He sensed he caught a disease from the homeless person and decided to call 999 and report them for intentionally injuring him.

"999, what's your emergency?" They asked.
"SOME HOMELESS PERSON PUT A NEEDLE IN ME AND GAVE ME A DISEASE INTENTIONALLY!!!!!" James squealed, as he was sat in the corner of his room, back to the wall.
(gaslightinggg 🙄)

"okay calm the fuck down, where'dya live son?" The voice was rather familiar but James couldn't put a finger on who it was.

"uh.. that's private. My mummy said don't trust strangers." James frowned, hanging up the phone, sobbing to his cat.

One thing that made James happy was being BILINGUAL (get over it) and singing about toxic relationships. but .. He couldn't do anything right now becakse he was so exhausted from all that yelling he did at the homeless person all the other ones united to try track James' location and take him to the underworld.
(not forshadowing shhh)

"why is life so unfair?" he cried to his cat, who was trying to be cute and adorable but was being some sort of weird emotional support animal for James

"james shut your gob you look like a t-rex on balloons, that beard makes you look like that shitty fortnite youTuber; courageJD
(image shown TW: gays)

and that hairline dont get me started, but it goes further back than me and tyler blevins dropping at tilted towers irl because Fortnite wasn't a thing in the 1800's you fat cunt

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and that hairline dont get me started, but it goes further back than me and tyler blevins dropping at tilted towers irl because Fortnite wasn't a thing in the 1800's you fat cunt. Who actually cares about you being trilingual and Hola como estas because yk what i think? ur fucking mum now piss off."

James sat in awe, he was so proud of his cat. Otto doesn't like James one bit unless he's on camera then he's really cute, sweet kitten.

"your growing up so fast." James sobbed, hugging Otto again.
"Mate your ass is growing fast leave me alone" Otto then had an idea.

"dad can u follow me?" Otto asked, licking his paws very cutely so James would follow him because who wouldn't follow an adorable cat????

Otto then lead him to.... uhm a pile of squares. "If u find WillNE in the next 24hours i will give you $1,000,000 DOLLARS!!!!" Otto pogged, the pit was endless.
Without hesitation, James jumped in the pit with hearts in his eyes... He soon realised that he was sinking and a large mob of people were staring at him with cameras.

 He soon realised that he was sinking and a large mob of people were staring at him with cameras

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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