Cabin Rabbit

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You were filled with both excitement and nervousness. You were really here. You had been looking forward to this experience for months and now that you were finally standing here, watching everyone and everything. You couldn't believe it.

As you stood at the registration tables, taking in the lively atmosphere around you, you couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

You watched as your new friend Kirishima, who you had just met a few minutes ago, grouped up with his friends from last year and they all laughed together. 

You felt a pang of envy, wishing you had your own group of friends to share this experience with. But you quickly pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the present. After all, you were here to have fun and make new friends, which would be hard to do with your history.

Just then, the name of your cabin was yelled out, "Camp Rabbit! Is anyone else in Rabbits?"

You turned to see a group of girls and a girl counselor standing there. They all stood there with their heavy bags as they searched for another person.

You made your way towards them, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. You weren't sure what to expect from your cabin mates and the counselor, but you were willing to give it a shot. This was supposed to be a new summer and a new you.

As you approached the group, the counselor, greeted you with a warm smile.

"Hi there, welcome to Camp Rabbit!" she said cheerfully. "What's your name?"

 "I'm Y/n...Y/n L/n," you replied nervously, feeling a bit self-conscious under her scrutinizing gaze.

"Well, Y/n, we're so glad to have you in our cabin!" She exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious. "I'm Midnight and I'll be your counselor for the summer."

You sheepishly smiled as you looked behind her, the girls behind Midnight seemed to take you in, as if they were examining you.

One of the girls seemed like a bright, bubbly and cheerful girl with a contagious smile that had a head full of vibrant pink hair, as well as her skin being a shade of pink also.

Another was a beautiful girl with long, luscious black hair that was put up into a ponytail.

The third had a round face with big, brown eyes with her brown hair at shoulder-length. However, her most distinctive feature was her large, pink cheeks.

Midnight clapped her hands together, making you jump back from surprise. "Let's get to that cabin, huh?" Midnight asked.

Everyone agreed and started to pick up your bags, you awkwardly waited as everyone struggled to pick their things up.

Midnight helped some of the girls pick up their things, "let's go, girls, today will be the best first day," Midnight said as she led the way.

You looked back to see Kirishima in his own group, their counselor leading the way to their cabins.

Midnight led the way beside the mess hall, showing a trail that led straight to the rabbit cabin.

You could feel the warmth of the sun on your skin as you walked along the trail with your counselor, Midnight, and the three other girls.

You wiped away the sweat that collected on your head, dragging your bag behind you in exhaustion.

You were on our way to the cabin, which was nestled deep in the woods. The cabins were mostly close together but the center of the camp was farther away, must've been due to privacy reasons.

It should've been known that the camp was going to be surrounded by trees, in fact these trees were tall and thick and the air was filled with the sweet scent of pine and the sound of chirping birds.

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