female werewolf

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(Russia bite Molly neck werewolf injections insides in her body)

Molly:(scream in pain and start to feel the effects of the injection)

Molly: Let... me... go... (Moans in pain as the transformation begins)

Russia:(ignore her and watch her transformation)

Molly:(finish her transformation and she growl and have white fur on her body and she has wolf ears and she have sharp claws)

Russia: (steps back, impressed by her transformation). Wow, you look incredible.

Molly: (look at him and then growl and try to attack him)

Russia: (catch her arms and then lift her up and carry her)

Molly: (squirming in his arms, trying to break free) Let me go!

Russia: (ignore her and start to carry her to his cave)


Russia: (carry her to his cave and put her down on his bed)

Molly: (her eyes widen in fear, realizing the danger she's in.)

Russia: (pin her down on his bed and say)shhhhhh...

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