Mission 3: Cerberus

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The three headed demon dog growled loudly before scanning the area around it. Once it took notice of Asta, all six of its eyes focused on the undersized muscular boy and scowled once it noticed Asta's corrupted right arm.

"You... you are a mere mortal, yet you possess the power of a Devil. Are you a half-breed?"

Gripping his greatsword, Asta glared up at the three headed beast, not at all intimidated by its terrifying appearance.

"No way! Like I'd ever be related to a monster like you!," he yelled, lifting his right arm up to eye level and clenching his hand shut. "One day, out of nowhere, my arm changed! I don't know how it happened, but as long as I can use it to help people, I don't care!"

After hearing Asta's response, the demon looked at the teenage business owner with great interest, though more specifically, he was looking at Asta's arm.

"How interesting... Tell me, was it you who summoned me to this world?"

"It was I who summoned you," the man with the scar revealed to the demon, garnering its attention. As a sign of respect, the man bowed his head to the beast, causing it to look at the man in intrigue. "Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Heath Grice. My master has told me many stories about you, Cerberus, Ice Guardian of the Underworld."

'His master?,' Asta thought to himself in confusion.

'It seems like this man's master is knowledgeable on Demons,' Yuno realized in his head. 'If we can get him to reveal who his master is, we might be able to find out who released that demon onto our village.'

"Enough with the pleasantries, mortal!" the demon known as Cerberus growled. "Tell me... what reason do you have for summoning me."

Raising his head up, Heath smiled up at Cerberus as he addressed the three headed ice demon.

"I ask that you help me wipe out this entire village."

Heath then turned his attention toward the villagers, gesturing towards them with his hand.

"The people of this village have a meager amount of mana dwelling within them. They provide nothing of value to this world; they're more like disgusting animals than they are human..."

Hearing this had caused Asta to get his sword even tighter than he had before and Yuno to glare sharply at the scarred man.

"...That is why I wish to dispose of them. The world would be a better place without them here."

Cerberus had stayed quiet, which made Heath believe that the demon was carefully considering his words. Once it finally opened one of its mouths, he believed that the beast was about to finally give him an answer, however, that was quickly shown to be untrue once a beam of ice fired out of its mouth. The beam was aimed for Heath, trapping him inside the ice.

"Master Heath!," one of the cloaked men exclaimed before Cerberus had decided to freeze him in solid ice as well.

One after another, Cerberus had frozen all of Heath's men solid, not giving them a chance to react. It then turned its attention to people of Saussy Village, huddled together, shaking in fear.

"The arrogance of you humans! Thinking you can so much as make eye contact with me, let alone ask for my help! You all disgust me!"

Angered by the fact it had to be in the same presence as humans, it once again opened one of its mouths in order to fire a beam of ice at the villagers. Helpless in their current situation, they all closed their eyes in anticipation of being frozen solid. However, thanks to Asta, that never came to be...

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