Part- 7

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At India-
In the midnight-

Y/n zipped the suitcase shut with a sigh that echoed in the quiet room. The familiar scent of Jasmine laundry detergent, usually comforting, only served to highlight the emptiness beside her on the bed. Her recent break-up with Vijay was still raw, a constant ache in her chest. But there was no time to dwell on it. A new job awaited for her - a fresh start, kilometres away from everything that reminded her of him.

Her mother peeked in, her face etched with concern. "Almost ready, y/n?"

Y/n forced a smile. "Almost, Mom...but where is my charger...?"

Her father, leaning against the doorway, chuckled. "Always packing last minutes..? Y/n !!!"

The familiar teasing felt good. "It's called living on the edge, Dad." But even as she said it, a lump formed in her throat. Leaving them behind felt like another loss on top of the heartbreak.

Her mother walked over and wrapped her arms around y/n. "We're so proud of you, beta. This is a fantastic opportunity."

Y/n buried her face in her mother's shoulder, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm gonna miss u both...!!!"

Her father pulled them both into a hug. "We'll miss you too, kiddo. But remember, FaceTime exists. And don't hesitate to call, well you guys are coming to here after all."

Y/n laughed, a genuine one this time. "Thanks, Dad. Maybe...I can't say what they'll gonna plan......well Vijay would be happy to listen that I got job--- oh I forgot we broke up...." The statement hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the pain that wouldn't quite recede

Sensing the shift, her mother squeezed her hand. "This isn't about him, y/n. This is about you. A new job, a chance to build a life for yourself."

Y/n looked into her mother's eyes, seeing a strength and determination reflected back. "You're right, Mom. It's time for a new chapter."

Later, as her parents helped her load her luggage inside of the auto rikshaw, so she could leave for her destination. The ache of heartbreak might linger, but so would the excitement for what lay ahead.
She went airport near to her city than she took flight to bbsr and than took her another flight to Mumbai.

In the evening she came her home with baby. She was looking dull.

Y/n's Pov-

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open. Mom sat on the couch, but her eyes were glued to the window. Dad emerged from the kitchen, drying his hands with a dishtowel. The second they saw me, their faces fell.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Mom rushed over, concern etched on her brow. Her hug was an anchor, a silent promise of safety. Dad stood by awkwardly, his usual booming voice reduced to a murmur, "Is everything alright?"

I choked on a sob, burying my face in Mom's shoulder. Words failed me, so I just held on, letting the tears come again. Finally, when the sobs subsided to sniffles, I mumbled, "We broke up."

Mom held me tighter for a moment, then gently nudged me towards the couch. Dad cleared his throat, then surprised me by pulling up a chair opposite me. They didn't try to pry, just waited patiently.

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