"Scorpius wake up darling," Astoria shook him awake."What time is it?" Scorpius asked. "Five but your letter came," Astoria explained. Scorpius jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.
"Dam it's just a letter," Percy said. "Shut the fuck up barnacle brains," Astrea said.
"Don't run Scorpius!" Draco yelled.
"What the fuck," Draco said.
"Sorry father," Scorpius apologized going down the stairs slower and going to the kitchen. "Give me my letter," Scorpius said. "Excuse me," Draco replied. "May you pass me my letter.......please?" Scorpius asked. "Better," Draco handed him his letter. Scorpius ripped open the letter and read it. "Can I get a broom," Scorpius asked.
"Dam you were spoiled,"Astrea said. "I was going through things," Scorpius said. "Your mom wasn't even dead yet though," Astrea replied.
"First years aren't allowed brooms," Draco said. "but Potter-" Scorpius got cut off. "Does it look like we're the Potter's," Draco cut him off. Scorpius sighed "fine then when are we going to Diagon alley then," Scorpius asked. "Before school starts," Draco replied. "Thursday we're going on Thursday," Astoria said.
A/n: I forgot I was writing fanfiction and I wrote this really quickly so I could update this. Also I've been thinking about making Spencer Reid fanfiction so if you want me to make that comment or vote on this chapter.