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Ginny, Neville and Luna caught up with each other in the Entrance Hall next morning, before walking into the Great Hall for breakfast. If the other two noticed Ginny's stiff posture, they didn't mention it. Luna, once again went to join the Ravenclaw table as Neville and Ginny went to theirs. It wasn't long before they saw the Golden trio entering. Ginny suddenly became very interested in her toast.

"You alright, Gin?" asked Neville.

"Of course I am. Why do you ask?"

"You seem to be drilling holes into your toast," said Neville smirking.

Ginny glared and said, "I'm good, and drop the face!" Neville just chuckled.

"Besides," Ginny continued, "don't think I didn't notice the looks you keep giving the Hufflepuff table." That made him drop the smirk.

Ginny and Luna left soon after they were done with their breakfast for their potions class. Neville caught up with Harry, Ron and Hermione as they were leaving the Great Hall for Divination.


    Fortunately for Ginny and Luna, the second year Griffindors and Ravenclaws had potions together. They found themselves a table and went about setting up their potion set as they waited for Snape to arrive.

They had already planned on how they were going to approach the Professor with regards to their secret without arising suspicion. They only hoped their plan worked.

In no time, Snape walked into the classroom and assigned them to prepare a potion. Snape made his usual rounds to make sure everyone was working on the potion. He couldn't help notice that Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were working on theirs with remarkable precision. Not that he will ever admit it out loud. But there was something peculiar about them.

Being a leglimens, he was able to sense a presence trying to gain his attention by brushing up against his mental shields. Years of practice helped him maintain his cool and not show his surprise at someone's audacity to approach him via non-physical means. He also noticed that Ms.Weasley and Ms.Lovegood were watching him carefully.

As he swung his gaze towards them, his eyes caught that of the Lovegood girl's and at once his mind was filled with an image of the two girls along with Neville Longbottom in the Headmaster's Office, discussing about what seems to be Time Travel with the Headmaster himself. He once again thanked his years of expertise as it prevented him from showing his astonishment. He knew what the girls were trying to communicate and he indicated his assent with a subtle nod. When the class ended and the students began filing out the two girls hung back.

He waited until everyone was gone before saying "Nine o'clock after dinner in the Headmaster's office" in clear dismissal. The girls nodded and took their leave.


Later found Ginny and Luna in Transfiguration class. It wasn't anything interesting, at least for the two of them. They had spent one too many times transfiguring water goblets into animals. The girls pretended to get it right after a few attempts and were left to read the theory once again. It was while she was trying to read the text for what felt like the thousandth time without getting distracted and failing miserably, that she caught sight of a book left behind by one of the fourth-years, under her table.

Out of curiosity she flipped open the book to a page that was dog-eared. The page was about Advanced Animagus transformation.

"Ms. Weasley! What are you reading there?" The stern professor's voice sounded from beside her.

"Oh sorry, Professor! I found this book under my table and was just flipping through it to see who it belongs to," said Ginny.

"Hm! Students these days! Not even bothering to check their bags before leaving," McGonagall muttered before she turned to address Ginny once again.

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