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The battle had ceased, for now, the death eaters had retreated and paused their attacks on the order of their Dark Lord. It was his twisted way of giving them time to choose between fight or flight. A choice especially granted to the ‘the chosen one’

‘Where is he?’ thought a red head, as she desperately scoured the halls of the ancient castle. She knew that if given time, then their hero would definitely walk to his own death. ‘The noble git’ she thought continuing to search for any glimpse of his messy black hair.

She was near the Entrance Hall when she noticed it. Not messy black but ginger hair and her heart skipped a beat. There, near the giant Castle doors lay tons of rocks and debris and amongst them, almost not-noticeable was a flash of ginger hair that matched her own.

She let out a sob even before she started heading that way, terrified of finding the worst. She half walked, half ran her way there, only to find that the ginger hair belonged to a head which belonged to a body and that body lay underneath the pile of debris. She started trying to dislodge them but not even she could move all of it alone. She began crying and screaming for help. Soon, voices surrounded her, some she recognized, some she didn’t, but she paid them no mind. Her sole focus was on retrieving whoever lay underneath the pile of rocks.

She didn’t know how much time had passed, nor did she pay attention to the crowd that gathered around her, but when at last they retrieved the person from under the debris, her legs gave out.

She screamed seeing the face of Charlie Weasley, hands and face gashed from some nasty spell, but still terrifyingly brave and handsome in death.

Ginny Weasley gasped as she was suddenly pulled out of the nightmare. She barely made it to the bathroom before she started to throw up. It was never easy, these nightmares. Even though she made it back in time and knew that her family was safe, she once lived through a reality where she lost every single one of them and it will definitely take a while to get over that.

After spending a few more minutes dry heaving into the sink, she splashed some water on her face. Knowing that she won’t be getting any more sleep, she decided to start getting ready for the day.

Ginny was already in the Chamber when Neville and Luna joined her for their regular morning practice. Luna stopped when she passed by Ginny and asked, “Are you alright, Ginny?”

“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be Luna?”

“I can feel you, you know. Right now, you’re really disturbed and there’s sadness too,” said Luna looking at Ginny carefully.

“Wait, what do you mean, you can feel me? Are your empathy powers at work again?” asked Ginny immediately.

“Not completely, but they are coming back. I have been getting bits and pieces of people’s emotions all last week. I’m not anywhere near as good as I was but I’m getting there,” Luna replied.

“That’s great Lu! Your powers are coming back!” Ginny exclaimed as she pulled Luna into a hug.

“Stop trying to change the subject Gin. What’s bothering you?” Luna asked softly whilst still holding on to her friend.

Ginny sighed in defeat, knowing that there is no escaping when her friend’s powers are involved.

“I had a nightmare. It was about the battle.”

That was all she needed to say. Luna pulled her into a hug this time offering as much comfort as possible. She knew that nothing she says would really comfort her friend, not when she herself was going through the same. Sometimes, it really is tough to let go the past.

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