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[to understand things read till the end and author note too]

Kareena pov. [present]

I saw him as he smiled looking at me he is just like his father, cute lips, dimple cheeks and those eyes which can make anyone drown in them. I kept him in his cradle as I have to start my work if not I will not make money for us.

Annavarapu Devyan Reddy- its his real name but. I will never let it happen. I had made enough damage for his father who was supposed to be my husband but isnt. Annavarapu Dev Reddy.
Its been a year and half I left everyone, there is no place I didnt hide from them and finally here Im. scared I will hurt him more, scared that he will loose his happiness again, scared that my existence can hurt him.

thank god somewhere I know how to bake cakes and stuff, thank full for Devyan's father. some where deep inside Im still scared- if he finds me and comes to know I gave birth to our son. our first child he will never let me go. I know how much he loves me but I know how much I and my family hurt him. The day I found out things I decided this will be good for us. me moving away from his life- I was disturbed by a call.

"Hello this is Reena'sbake. how can I help you?" I said lifting the call

"Babylove?" his voice its been a 547 days I heard him 1.5years. how bad I wanna hug him and cry let everything go but-

"sorry who is this?" I replied getting a hold on my self.

"you know me Babylove." yes I know you Dev.

"sorry you called a wrong number sir." I said and was about to cut the call

"sir? yeah yeah- you will not be able to run anymore." he replied and cut the call.

you need to leave Kareena RUN. my heart and mind said, for the first time they were in sync so this is the best decision.

I walked out of home and knocked the next door- Resa aunty. she helped me a lot. A LOT. aunty opened the door,

"Reena dear you okay? did something happened to Karev?" she asked I shook my head

"then what dear?" she said hugging me

"Dev came to know we are here" I said as she patted my back

"now?" she asked

"Run" I replied

she broke the hug and asked "again?" I nodded she took a deep breath

"he deserves to know Reena- he is the father of your child" she said. she is right

"but I have done enough-"

"sh sh sh Reena child I understand but he deserves dont he?" she asked he does. he will be the best father.

I was about to reply but we heard Devyan crying sound. we saw eachother and run inside- I took him into my arms and shit he is burning.

"he is burning Reena" aunt said

"he was fine till now aunty" I replied

"No dont think anything just take him to the hospital" she said


"no buts Reena you will take him I will follow you closing the doors." she said and gave me my scarf. I smiled through tears. she been my mom.

I wrapped scarf around my head and took Devyan and some belonging and walked out- I took a auto

"Anna Ramu garu-" he cut me off
(brother take me to Ramu sir--)

Annavarapu Dev Reddy - The arranged loveWhere stories live. Discover now