You are my destiny-2💕

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#Rain pov

I really can't believe this!

p'Stop told everyone that he is the one who is leaving me...

That he can't stand how annoying and childish I am!

That I am lazy and never do any work at home and doesn't take care of his needs.

That I always come home late and even then I always work and never give him any time.

And everyone believed it. Even my mama and papa.

They believed everything he said.

p'Stop didn't let go of anything. He told my parents about the hotel thing and that I am cheating on him and showed pics of me and Ple together.

And what's more shocking is that, my parents acted as if they have never heard of Ple, even if they had met her and almost got to the point of marriage at that time.

Why is he doing this? Can't we just part without all this? Why does he have to blame everything on me? Why make me bad in front of my parents.?

Even in the court, he said the same thing that he wants to leave me but I am clinging to him, not letting him go.

Now, I don't care what he says, I just want to go away from him. At least, my colleague and friend, Sky, believe me.

I may be annoying, but I am not stupid. And certainly don't need anyone to look after me. I can support myself very well.

After 3 months, we finally got separated.

Finally, I am free!


I had to take therapy for two months. Guess it affected me more than I thought it would.

All those lies he told my parents, them leaving me alone when I needed their support the most, every little thing increased the self doubt.

What if they find me annoying too?

What if they use and leave me too?

What if they look at me like a cheater like his family did?

As a result, I became a shell of myself and could no longer be with anyone around.

I kept my distance from Sky too. I hate how he looks at me with pity everytime. I  don't want to bother him anymore.

That is when I found my solace in solo travelling. Being around people where no one knows me, I was able to be myself. No one would judge me. I was free.

During such one of the trips was where my life took another turn.

I met him....


#Phayu pov

I hate everything.

After the divorce, I took temporary leave from work.

I just stayed in our apartment. I never let anyone in. Not even when my parents and brother begged.

I don't care anymore. I don't want to care anymore. I have had enough.

I believed him. I loved him. I helped him.

For what?

To get cheated on?

To get used?

If my money and status were all he needed, why play with my feelings?

Not even months, but for years...

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