chapter 3

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Zayns P.O.V

When I saw Liams face immediately my mind started to go into a frenzy with all the thoughts i was having. He has a kid? Hes a father? I am baffled to say the least and the fact that this little boy looked soo young meant that of course this had to be recent. Maybe Liam has a girlfriend, his own little family. With that thought my heart sank, there goes my chances....not that i wanted to have a chance in the first place...right?

"Zayn?" My head snapped up at the sound of someone calling my name.When i looked up I saw that there was 4 pairs of eyes on me. Niall, Louis, Liam and the little baby who was now in Liams arms being rocked back and fourth.

"Hey Liam'', I say as if i hadnt been staring at him like a dummie for what must have been at least 5 minutes. After the awkward phase passes everything goes smoothly, we chat about how the boys have been doing at daycare and all the fun they have been with their new "friend" Mr.Liam.Its turns out that Niall and Louis adore Liam and he plays with them everyday at the daycare and he makes sure they have everything they need. My heart is about to burst at the moment honestly, maybe someone like him would be good for me. Someone who gets along with the kids is a plus but he takes care of them like their one of his own.Time passes kind of fast and before I know it Niall is complaining saying he's "Hungwy" and Liam lets me know that he has to go so that he can get Harry to bed. Usually i would have been upset that I wasted soo much time but i found out some valuable information. As i suspected the little boy is Harry and he is in fact Liams son, but he's not Liams biological child. You see, Liams mother works at a hospital and when Liam went to visit her a few months ago she told him of a girl that just died during childbirth. the poor child didnt have any other family and of course this broke Liams heart.. So, being the good person that he is even though hes soo young he adopted this baby because he didnt want him to grow up without a family. I mean if that doesnt bring tears in your eyes then there must be something wrong with you. When he told me about how he adopted Harry my heart swelled, he was everything i wanted. How can someone be soo perfect??

I finished up shopping with the boys and I headed home to feed them and then hopefully get some of my work done.But on my way home the only thing i could think of was how amazing Liam is and how selfless he is.I mean, its differen for me bacause i made these babies that i have but for him to just take in someone elses child, he must be pretty darn nice. After feeding them, giving them a bath, m,aking sure they bush their teeth and reading them a story I put them to bed and retreat to my room to get some sleep of my own. Only when i fall asleep my dreams are haunted by a certain puppy-eyed boy, and honestly i wouldnt want it any other way.

- When i wake up in the morning i have the blankets pulled off of me and 2 boys curled up to me, one on each side.I smile and silently thank whatever force there is up in the sky for giving me these boys.

After getting them up and ready wwe arrive at the daycare and hurry inside because the boys want to see Mr.Liam, or at least thats what i tell myself.When we get inside sure enough Liam is there and his smile widens automatically, id like to believe im the reason for that.I hand him to the boys and after he lets them go with the staff in the back we chat and honestly talking to someone other than stuck up buisness people and toddlers feels good. I dont get out of the house much and when i do its for work or for the boys, and both times i have to take the boys with me.

After chatting with Liam for anout 20 miuntes I leave becaue i have to get to work. Work compared to talking to Liam or seeing him smile is soooo boring and i cant think straight. So of course i manage to stay 3 extra hours at work and i dont even realize my phone ringing 27 times. But when i finally look at the time and realize im late i quickly rush out and hop into my car. While im driving to the daycare i call Liam( the one who was calling me so much).

Liam: Hello? Zayn where are you?

Zayn: Im sorry i got distracted and i lost track of time

Liam: Ok but the daycare closed 2 hours ago and i wouldve waited with them there but i have Harry and i wouldntve been able to stay.

Zayn: So where are they!?

Liam: I brought them to my house i hope you dont mind, they were upset at first but then i gave them icecream and let them play with Harry so now their good.

Zayn: Thank god , thank you soo much Liam.

Liam:Your welcome just come here, ill text you the address.

Phew, that was close i thought i was in trouble.I pull up to Liams place and i stare at it in awe. Its beautiful. Its a very modern house, smaller than my own but it has 2 floors and it is a dazzling shade of green. Wow everything about him is perfect and his house is perfect too? I pull up into the drivewayand park behind what i think should be Liams car.

Third person P.O.V

That night is something like a milestone in Zayn and Liams relationship. They get to know eachother and they find out that their kids get along realy well too. Louis and Niall love Harry and they take every chance they can get to play with him. Therefore when time passes and it gets late Zayn doesnt hesitate to take the offer of staying the night. The boys had 2 changes of clothes from daycare and Zayn could borrow some of Liams clothes, he had no reason to refuse. Zayn and the boys stayed in the guest room but soon enough Zayn wound up on the edge of the bed about to fall off with Nialls feet in has face. So, of course it was only natural that he went into Liams room and layed into his bed with him. And of course when Liam snuggled up to Zayn , Zayn did not bulsh at all and definately did not snuggle up even closer.

All that flooded both of the boys' minds was that they might just be in love with the other. The hopeless boy taking care of 2 kids and the selfless boy who has a big heart and a child of his own. Maybe this was meant to be, i mean it is no coincidence that their kids get along soo well or that they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. But of course there is some doubt at the back of their minds. What if he doesnt like me back? What if it wont work out? What if our kids dont approve? And just like that any thoughts of telling the other their feelings goes out of the window because at the moment they let their fear get in the way of what could be something perfect.

(A.N- What did you guys think? I would really appreciate some feedback to see how im doing with this story. Do you like it so far? Do i skip around too much? Is the story boring? Anyways thanks for reading and i hope you guys did enjoy this chapter ( i did). Like always comment, vote, and become a fan! Give me prompts for one- shots, other stories and of course ideas and suggestions for this story. Thank you guys soooo much.)

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