Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Liam P.O.V

When we were done with our date and on our way home me and Zayn cuddled up in the backseat of the car while the hired driver drove us home.The whole way while we were driving I couldn't keep the smile off of my face and I had all the reason to be happy. I finally have Zayn. Not that I didn't have him before but our date seemed to solidify everything that we have been through and been fighting for through our whole relationship. Now I feel like I'm ready to really let Zayn into my life and to take some big steps with him. Things like moving in together and having two more kids to call my own and marriage seem to be running around in circles in my head and making my stomach hot with want and hope. Hope for a new life with Zayn and his children and a whole new family. I'm finally ready. Finally.

After calming my thoughts down to a low simmer in the back of my mind i seemed to realize that the drive home was taking longer that the one we took to get to the restaurant and after an hour of driving and not being home I became worried and decided to ask the driver what was going on.

"Excuse me sir, I dont mean to bother you but this doesn't seem like the way to get home and my boyfriend is asleep and I'd like to get him to bed."

After I was done speaking the driver kept driving, not even paying me any attention. However the driver was the last of my worries when the car suddenly screeched to a halt and the doors were yanked open. In my shocked state it was like everything was slowed down and I wasn't able to react as I was dragged out of the car by my hair and immediately thrown into a car and tied down so I couldn't move. Even though I couldn't move at all I could still see out the window and the sight before me seemed to make my blood run cold and sizzle with anger at the same time. Outside of the car a few feet away Zayn was struggling to get closer to me and he was putting up quite the fight. He was yelling and screaming while he thrashed and punched and kicked anyone that tried to hold him back. He was actually fighting all of the men (that seemed to appear out of nowhere) off until the driver from the car got out and hit him on the head with with his fat fist and immediately Zayn fell to the ground. The men who were fighting him all helped to pick him up and put him in the back of the other car and as soon as he was in the backseat out of my view, the driver got in and took off in the opposite direction.


Open road. That's all I can see from my position in the back seat and that's all I have been seeing for what seems to have been hours. At first when another driver and two more men got into the car with me I tried to fight and maybe get back to Zayn but i realized that I shouldn't fight them when one of the other men pulled out a gun and pointed it to my head not even saying a word just staring at me with a menacing glare. As soon as I realized that there was no point in fighting I began to think. Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn. That's all I could think about at the moment and that's all I want to think about. If this is the end for me I want to fill myself with thoughts of my boys and my love. My boys. My sweet boys that I couldn't live without. All three of the little boys that I love and adore. My sons. Zayn the love of my life with the insecurity and his sweet smile and his trust issues and love. Love that shines so bright that it lights up everything in my world. They are my light, they are my life, and with these thoughts there are tears in my eyes and running down my face and making little marks on my clothing.


Zayn P.O.V

I woke up in my bed with a horrible headache and quiet surrounding me in a way that is unpleasant and suffocating and threatening to swallow me up. I run my hands alongside me and sit up in a flash when I realize that Liam is not there and in his place where he should be is a crisp slip of paper. I get out of bed and go to the kitchen and take some paracetamol and gulp down some water. When I'm done I grab the note and slip into a chair to read it and as soon as I start I know that my family, my love, my life is in danger. I knew this was too good to be true.


Dear Zayn,

Miss me? I know you do. I knew you were gonna have trouble getting over me, you don't seem like the type to just bounce back like that. However you seem to have forgot about me now and I can't let that happen. Your precious Liam cannot, will not be in my kids' life. There is no way I will let that happen. I'm shocked that you have tried to replace me in my own children's life and I feel that I need to teach you a lesson. Why not let Liam help me with this lesson? Tah Tah for now?

p.s. Don't even think about telling the police yet, I have my eye on you. I think you know what will happen if you don't listen to me so be smart Zayn and remember; you're on my terms now.


As soon as I'm done reading I hop into my car and speed to my parents' house. I don't even care about breaking the law, all I care about is making sure my kids are okay and figuring out how to get back my Liam. I can't seem to figure out why all of a sudden "she" wants to ruin my life now after all this time, just when I was finally beginning to be happy and content with my life. However, I'm not one bit surprised. I knew that all of this was too good to be true and soon enough everything would all come crashing down, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

When I arrive at my parents house I compose myself in the car to make sure you can't see all the worry on my face and then walk slowly up to the door step. I feel eyes on my back and turn around to see a black van driving slowly past the house and even though I don't know who it is I ring the door bell until someone opens it and shove my way inside slamming the door behind me.

"Woah there Zaynie I know you missed the boys but you should never shove your mother like that dear my bones aren't as forgiving as they used to be."

"Sorry mom I just um...... I just have to use the bathroom."

Without making any more eye contact I go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face hoping to slow down my heartbeat. As I gather myself together I feel a sharp pain in my head and I collapse on the floor as I am hit with the memories of last night.

Fighting the men trying to get to Liam. I had no clue what was going on all I knew was that no matter what I had to get to Liam because I knew he would keep me safe. But it didn't happen like that. I grew more tired the longer I fought and soon enough I felt a strong blow to the back of my head and collapsed instantly.The bad thing was that i had no idea how it even happened. One minute I was dosing off on Liams shoulder and the next the door was slammed open and Liam was being dragged from under me. Never would I have ever thought that the girl that I fell in love with all those years ago would do something like this to me. Hey, I guess time really does change people and not always for the better.

When I feel well enough to go back outside and face reality I open the door and immediately am surrounded by screeches and squeals from my little boys including Harry. Niall and Louis are bouncing around my legs and Harry is crawling towards me making even more noise than the other two. Maybe just maybe I will have the life with Liam that I want. All I have to do is find a way to get him back safely.

(A.N- Sooooo, I am so excited for this to finally come to where its meant to go. I know that none of you were probably expecting this but I had to add something interesting........I hope you still like the story though and I would really like to have some more feedback. However, please be considerate to the fact that I have other stories to write also so please be patient and I'll update when I can. Please remember to vote, comment and fan me. Thank You and I hope you enjoy. )

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