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I've been back home for a while now and things aren't great, Me and Liv barely speak to Gabby since she started going out with Josh apparently we were only ever using her which If i'm honest is Josh's way of getting rid of us.

"Earth to Ava." David calls as I zone out In the middle of the shop.

"Um." I mumble as I turn round to look at him.

"You've been moping that part of the floor for the last 5 minutes, You Ok?" He asks.

"Yeah Sorry." I say moving on to another part of the shop.

"If there is somewhere else you need to be I can't get Jacob to come and help me out." David says sympathetically.

"It's fine, do you mind if I do the stock check though? It's always quiet back there." I ask I just need to get away from the hustle and bustle of the village.

"Sure that's fine." David tells me.

I go through to the back of the shop and put the mop away before starting to check the shelves in the back.

You see the truth is that my dad and his family are moving to Spain tomorrow and I have to decide by tonight if I want to go with them. I mean it's never even occurred to me before to go home but there is something so final about this that I'm not sure what to do.

||Flash back||

"Dad, I need some money for the school trip." I tell him.

"Well I don't have any money! What do you think it just grows on trees." Dad shouts back.

"Sorry." I say running off to get changed for school. I heard the door go I guess Dad had gone to the pub already. I run downstairs grab my school bag and notice £2 on the side that must be my dinner money. I shove it in my pocket and walk to school.

Later that day when I get home from school I sit down to do my homework and dad comes in to the kitchen. He looks over at the counter and then at me.

"Did you steal my money!" He shouts. I hate the way he can go from completely calm to angry in 0.2 seconds.

"I thought it was my dinner money." I tell him sheepishly.

"I gave you dinner money yesterday." He spits in my face before slapping me.

"I'm sorry." I mumble tears streaming down my face as I ran up to my room.

|| Present day||

I don't know why I'm even considering this after everything but I guess he's been different since I left. Nothings happened, I mean I never see him but knowing I never will if he moves kind of makes me want to go.

"Ava take the afternoon off." David says coming through to the back.

"I'm sorry David I swear I'll make it up to you tomorrow." I tell him.

"It's fine." he replies handing me my bag. I take off my apron and take the bag from David making my way home.

"Your home early." Carly says as I walk through the door a little while later.

"Yeah I couldn't concentrate, I just kept thinking about dad. I said I would work extra tomorrow to make up for it." I tell her.

"You know there is still time if you really do want to go with him." Carly tells me.

"I don't want to not really, I guess it's just weird knowing that I won't be able to get on the bus and go and see him if I want to. I know I never did really but it's weird." I try and explain.

"I'm sure he would pay if you ever wanted to go out and see him." Carly replies and I shake my head at her.

"He wouldn't, I know he wouldn't but I want to stay here, I really like it here and I've made friends. When I lived with dad I was alone most days apart from at school but then I never really had friends. I like it here." I smile.

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