References, Part 1

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I know the next part is taking WAY too long to make any progress on, but I don't want to get burned out or get artist's block (you know, like writer's block). So until I get off my sorry butt and stop procrastinating, here are two character references I made for the comic.

 So until I get off my sorry butt and stop procrastinating, here are two character references I made for the comic

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First, we have Marlin. I keep saying I made him too cute, but that was not intentional, I promise. And I included the "spoiler warning" for later chapters (when I actually finish them).

And then there's Coral, whose design I based on her manga appearance, as I have stated before

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And then there's Coral, whose design I based on her manga appearance, as I have stated before. That's where her eyelashes came from. I wanted to emphasize her constant changes in emotional state, so her eyes are going to be how you can tell. Normally, she has just regular eyes, but after the barracuda thing, she loses the reflection in them. You'll see more of this in future chapters.

Peace out!

Coral Finds Nemo: A Finding Nemo Fancomic (Indefinite Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now