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Hey, guys. I know it's been over 6 weeks since I've made any progress on this comic, and I'm sorry about that. But while I am still trying to work on it, I have very little motivation to do so. I just haven't been wanting to do anything with it, honestly, so for Chapter 1, I only have one completed page, one sketched page, and the script for the rest of the chapter. So why not show off what I have, huh?

 So why not show off what I have, huh?

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And so the boi is here. Say what you want, Nemo is utterly precious. I love how he came out on these pages.
Coral is not a morning person, which I completely understand.

Coral is not a morning person, which I completely understand

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Oops, he put on the brakes too fast. Don't you just hate when that happens?
Well, that's all I have visually, but I can show you the script for the rest of this chapter. Here you go!

Page 3
Panel 1: (Coral looks outside and sees Nemo, stuck headfirst in a tubelike coral)
Nemo (echoed, slightly muffled): First day of school!
Panel 2: (Coral grabs his tail)
Coral: Nemo, don't move! You'll never get out of there yourself!
Panel 3: (Coral pulls)
Panel 4: (Nemo pops out)
Panel 5: (Coral rushes him inside again)
Coral: All right, where's the break? You feel a break?
Nemo: No.
Panel 6: (Coral flips him upside down)
Coral: Do you feel woozy? Hot? Cold? Are your scales falling off?
Nemo: No.
Panel 7: (Coral shows him the white stripes on her body)
Coral: How many stripes do I have?
Panel 8: (Nemo looks annoyed)
Nemo: I'm fine.
Panel 9: (Coral looks at him sternly)
Coral: Answer the stripe question!
Panel 10: (Nemo looks deadpanned)
Nemo: Three.

Page 4
Panel 1: (Coral looks at herself)
Coral: No! See? Something's wrong with you! I have one...
Panel 2: (Coral realizes he gave the right answer)
Coral: ...two... three. That's... that's all I have? Panel 3: (Coral sighs in relief)
Coral: Whew! You're okay...
Nemo: Told you.
Panel 4: (Coral gives Nemo a "you started it" look while Nemo is embarrassed)
Coral: You're the one who fell out, son. Don't do it again.
Nemo: Sorry.
Panel 5: (Coral points to his smaller fin)
Coral: So, how's the lucky fin?
Panel 6: (Nemo proudly shows off his smaller fin)
Nemo: Lucky!
Coral (off-panel): Well, let's see. High-five, like always.
Panel 7: (Nemo starts swimming to Coral, who holds out her fin expectantly)
Panel 8: (Nemo high-fives her with his lucky fin)
Panel 9: (Coral nods and Nemo smiles)
Coral: Good boy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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