find love#2

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#next day#

-jay: "hey Daniel you're early again"

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-jay: "hey Daniel you're early again"

-daniel: "what's it that you want?"

-jay: "just want to apologize"

-daniel: "yea I'll act as if I believe it"

-Jay: "(Huuh!.. he is pissing me off already wasn't he crying like a baby just yesterday? He knows that kai will show up that's why he is being full of himself)" he thought to himself

"haha! Believe it or not! I really appreciate what you did yesterday"

-daniel: "I did it for kai not you"

-jay: "still.. that was nice of you,"

-Daniel : "okay.. I guess??"

The confidence Daniel was talking back to jay with is new to him and it pissed him off that he was struggling to hold himself back from beating Daniel, And the stupid fake smile he was wearing on his face revealed his true feelings about the situation.

-jay: "haha.. yeah that does it"

Kai who entered the classroom holding hands with anya thought that jay was bullying Daniel again.

-kai : "are you messing with him again?? God you never learn do you?"

-daniel: "no it's fine he apologized"

-kai: "apologized??hahahah you must be kidding dandan"

-daniel: "surprisingly I'm not"

-anya: "woah how's this even possible?"

(-Jay: "this bitch!! Mess around and you'll never be safe, not even kai will be able to protect you..")

-kai: "okay these are some big news that we don't care about let's go Daniel
I need to grab something to eat before the class starts"

-daniel: "sure"

When the others left the classroom to the snack shop, jay saw mina coming in so he approached her to talk.

-jay: "hey mina goodmorning.. i.. I apologized to daniel"

 I apologized to daniel"

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