Chapter seven

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You were running on the rooftop right next to Jean. He had asked you to run next to him earlier, and you complied since there was no reason for you to say no. Under normal circumstances, you would've felt flattered and probably teased Jean for his request, but at the moment, you thought nothing of the sort.

He would ask you to take down a Titan. And you would oblige.

He would ask you to check your gas. And you would.

All was going great to the point where you began to wonder exactly how much of a leader Jean can be. And you can see it in him - the way orders came to him easily as time passes and he begins to calm. Though the adrenaline never escaped any of you, there was a sense of relief that befell you guys the more you'd take Titans down.

"(Y/N), take the Titan to your left!" Jean yelled at you, and you immediately jump off of the roof your squad was running on, hooking your gear to the building adjacent of you so that you could swing towards the small beast. From far away, you could hear Jean yell more orders as your squad jumps off the roof and separates into different directions. You always tried to keep your attention on them since it would be catastrophic if you lost them.

You press on your gas handles, raising yourself up from the lower part of the building, flying high into the air, doing a quick flip to ease your speed and hooking your left grips onto the soft nape and swinging towards it. You slash it in one go, and immediately blood spurts onto your face and you land on the roof right in front of you. The second you land, you hear a flair sound from behind you.

Turning around, a red flair can be seen in the sky. You take a moment to wipe the disgusting blood off of you using your sleeve. Before you could react to the flair, Jean lands right next to you. He was alone.

"Looks like you gotta go." He tells you, sounding a bit sad.

"Yeah." You whisper back.

You pause for a while, unable to react for a reason you didn't know. But then, it hits you. Why you were hesitating.

"Jean." You say in panic, walking hurriedly closer to the boy until you were standing right in front of him. "Promise me you'll protect Armin if he comes to you."


"Promise me!" You latch onto his shoulders, your bloody hands staining his jacket. He stares at you with a confusion and panic that made you break. The worst thing would be if Armin tries to search for you and you weren't there to stop Jean from sending him back to his squad.

"Jean!" You call for him again. This time, your eyebrows furrowed and your voice cracked. "Promise me you'll protect Armin!"

"I will, (Y/N)! Okay?!" He yells, shoving you off of him so that you would stop shaking him. "I'm not that heartless." He whispers to you and waits for a second or two before jumping away from you. Your eyes follow him until his figure was too small and too far away for you to continue examining him.

A Titan appears right next to you, peeking its head up the wall of the building you stood on. You wince at the sight of the ugly creature. You should take it down. That's the logical thing to do. But instead, you turn around, using your ODM gear to run away to a different direction.

You weren't ordered to kill that Titan, so why would you? Someone else could be on it, and you didn't want to cause confusion.

You dodge multiple of Titans the more you move by cutting the hands, legs or slashing the eyes of some. They'd end up healing anyway. And it was effective. They all work perfectly in distracting the Titan except that you end up dirty every single time. The blood was especially disgusting to you. Made you shiver.

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