A Party With The Class

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Time in Tokyo Japan, 5:00 PM Friday

It's been a week since I've been in UA and it's been pretty good so far, surprisingly. But Zu hasn't called me in a couple days though so i've been worried. I've been texting him but he hasn't responded to me, or even read the text.

I'm sure he's fine though, he's strong. Anyway, back towards my time at UA. That stupid shitty hair has been bothering me since I got here! It's getting really annoying! He keeps talking to me and trying to touch me. I-

*Knock Knock Knock*

I get interrupted from writing in my dairy by three knocks on my dorm door. I sigh and close my diary, putting the small lock on it afterwards and hiding the key. I go to the door and open it to see Shitty hair. "What do you want Shitty hair?! I told you I want to be alone!" I say, my voice filled with annoyance.

"Sorry Bakubro! But the class are having a party and wanted to invite you!" Shitty hair says with a stupid big grin on his face. "No." I say before slamming the door closed in his face. I lock my door and sit on my bed. I look towards my phone, feeling very lonely since I haven't talked to Izuku in days.

I grab my bracelet and press it until it goes to pink, I let go hoping he responds. At least a hour later I finally get a response. I smile widely and grab my phone to text Izuku.


Katsuki: Izuku?! Where have you been?!

Izu<3: Sorry kit kat. I was in the hospital and I couldn't use my phone until I got out. I just got out and got my phone and bracelet back, sorry kat 😥

Katsuki: Whatever! At least you're back. Don't scare me like that ever again! I thought you blocked me or something!

Izu<3: I would never block you! 😡 What do you take me for?!

Katsuki: I'm sorry Izu...you just really scared me...promise not to do that again.

Izu<3: I promise!💚🧡

Katsuki: Good. Now call me...💚🧡

Izu<3: On it!


Izuku calls me and I immediately answer. "I'm glad you're okay Izu." I say with a small smile on my face. "Aww!! You care!!" Izuku says smiling widely. "SHUT UP!" I say looking away from my phone, blushing like a tomato. "Anyway. What do you have planned for today Kat?" Izuku says as he sits back in his chair.

"Nothing really. Shitty hair invited me to a part with the class." I say trying to think of something fun to do for today. "You should go! Last time we talked you said you don't know anything about your classmates. You can finally learn some things about them."

"Yeah but I don't-" Izuku interrupts me. "No. You're going or I'll actually block you for a week." Izuku crosses his arms with serious look. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I yell getting kinda mad. "If you don't do it i'll press that block button." Izuku says with smirk on his face. "Fine! I'll go." I cross my arms with a annoyed grunt. "Good. Now until it's the time for that party, let's catch up."

I sigh and sit straight in my bed. "Okay. Well, i'll go first." I say thinking back on what i've done these couple of weeks. "Well- what's her name again? Oh! Right! Mina, or raccoon eyes had painted my nails yesterday. I didn't agree to it she just did it." I raise my hand to the camera showing my nails. She painted them white and red. "Cute! You should paint your nails like that more often." Izuku says with hearts in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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