Stupid Idiot

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 The days after that phone call were spent working up the courage to confront Cheesy in person, and now MePhone finally felt ready. So he went to the hotel and approached the door of his crush's room.

God, this was more nerve-wracking than he thought it'd be. Should he back out now and act like he came here for no reason? Should he just raid the fridge and fuck off? No. Repressing makes it worse. He repeated that a few times in his head, then knocked on the door, which opened very quickly.

"Hey!" Cheesy greeted, smiling. MePhone's heart skipped a beat. "What brings you here?"

"Uh, d-do you want..." MePhone started, taking a step back. His face felt so warm, there was no way he wasn't visibly blushing. Was this a bad time? Was it too early in their friendship revival to be asking him out? "Do you wanna go ice skating with me later today? S-since we're apparently still friends I thought it'd be fun to start hanging out again!"

Friends. He just had to make it platonic, didn't he? And he didn't even let Cheesy assume that it was platonic, he outright stated that this outing was as friends. What was he, stupid? It was supposed to be a date!

"Of course!" Cheesy replied, flapping his arms aggressively. "It's been so long since we've actually hung out!"

"I know, right?" Said MePhone, starting to stim as well. Seeing Cheesy so happy made him feel like his heart was about to explode, but not in a bad way. His feelings were actually kind of fun when he wasn't overstressing about them. "I was planning on going right after lunch, is that cool with you?"

"Yeah, I'm free!"


And so after lunch, MePhone and Cheesy met up, then went to an indoor skating rink full of super cold air and other objects sliding around on ice. It looked like so much fun! Cheesy seemed to agree.

"It's been so long since I've gone ice skating!" He exclaimed. "Y'know, when I was a kid I kinda lived in the middle of nowhere, and in winter I'd drag the other kids in my neighborhood to the lake so we could slip around on the ice until we got bored."

"Like Salt and OJ that one time?" MePhone asked, sitting down on a bench to put his skates on.

"Exactly!" Cheesy shot a finger gun. "But we didn't fall on our faces nearly as much. I'm an expert!"

MePhone laughed. "Okay, I'm ready. Are you?"

"Never been cheddar!" Cheesy slapped his knee. "Did that make sense? I think it would've made more sense if I said that after you asked how I was feeling."

"Trust me, you're good!" MePhone laughed awkwardly and stood up. "C'mon, let's go!"

It was a little awkward actually getting to the ice. MePhone had a lot of excitement he wanted to get out but he couldn't skip around about it because he was walking on literal blades. And when he and Cheesy actually got in the rink, MePhone was hit with the reminder of something he really should've thought through before planning this outing.

He didn't know how to skate. Practically the moment he stepped onto the ice he slipped and stumbled and fell flat on his face. What an idiot.

He heard Cheesy laugh. "Dude, are you okay?"

MePhone groaned, struggling to his feet. "Never been cheddar."

That caused Cheesy to laugh again. He held out his hand, which MePhone took hesitantly. The butterflies in his stomach that weren't willing to leave got more intense as Cheesy helped him up. It was so cold, yet his face felt so warm. And like this wasn't overwhelming enough, when MePhone got on his feet Cheesy took his other hand! What, did he want him to overheat?

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Cheesy asked. "You're lookin' a little blue."

"What do you mean?" MePhone said, chuckling nervously. "I-I'm always blue! That's my whole thing, I'm MePhone4, the blue phone!"

"No, not like that. You're really flushed. Are you sick?"

He placed the back of his hand on MePhone's forehead. Holy shit.

"N-no, I'm fine, I swear!" MePhone pushed away from Cheesy, sliding back on the ice and hitting the railing of a nearby wall, which he instinctively grabbed onto. "I dunno what you're talking about! You don't have to worry about me!"

MePhone wasn't focused on forming sentences at this point. He was more focused on the fact that Cheesy touched his face. Cheesy. Touched. His face. Did that really happen? Was he dead? Did that fall kill him and send him to heaven?

"If you say so," Cheesy said, sounding unsure. He was quiet for a moment, then smiled. "C'mon, let's get skating already!"

"Uh, yeah..." MePhone stared at the ground. "I actually... don't know how."

"What? But you planned this! Why would you take me to a skating rink if you don't know how to skate?"

"I dunno! You like skating so I thought..." MePhone trailed off. He was about to say something that heavily implied this was originally supposed to be a date. He didn't want to accidentally admit his feelings like that. That part needed to be special. "I thought you'd have fun. Didn't really consider myself."

"You're a moron," Cheesy laughed. "It's not really that hard, though! Here, let me help you."

Cheesy then grabbed MePhone's hand and dragged him away from the wall. He internally freaked out, partially because there were no walls in the immediate vicinity to catch him if he fell, and partially because he was now holding hands with Cheesy, and he clearly had no intent in letting go after a few seconds like usual. Okay, MePhone definitely had to be in heaven now. Things like this didn't happen anywhere other than heaven.

MePhone didn't end up learning to skate that day. His head was in the clouds. He didn't want to let go of Cheesy, and it made him sad when he had to. But they both had fun, and he couldn't ask for anything more than that.

A few hours later they were sitting at a table in a pastry shop. MePhone shoved cookies into his mouth as he listened to Cheesy talk. It felt like he could stay like this forever.

"And so I said," Cheesy was already holding back laughter. MePhone knew exactly the joke he was about to make. "That's not my wife, that's a vampire!"

Then he cackled and slapped his knee.

"You've gotta have made that joke a million times by now," MePhone teased.

"And it keeps getting funnier!"

MePhone made a bold decision. He was gonna flirt and he wasn't gonna embarrass himself!

"Y'know, your laugh is contagious!" He complimented. "Even when your jokes aren't good, you laugh about them, and i-it makes me wanna laugh too!"

Cheesy didn't say anything about that. MePhone felt a pang of shame. Stupid.

"N-not that your jokes are bad!" He continued, desperately trying to save himself. "I mean, sometimes they don't land, but that's to be expected with everyone, I just, um!"

MePhone bit his tongue. Was he just digging himself a deeper grave? Did he say something mean? Was it even possible to salvage this?

"I like your smile," He finished, staring down in shame. When he briefly flicked his gaze up to Cheesy, he saw he was blushing.

He was blushing.

MePhone never wanted to leave heaven.

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