Spilling It

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 Alright, how does one intentionally summon the motivating ghost of their dead sibling? MePhone had no idea, but he really needed to talk to 4S again, so he tried.

"4S!" He called to his empty backyard, really dragging out the second syllable. No response. "MePhone4S! Red clone! Body donor?!"

Silence. MePhone huffed.

"I know you see everything! Show yourself!"

Why wasn't Mephone4S showing up? Was this situation not dire enough? Did he need to have somebody jump into a volcano for him again? Did he need to throw another temper tantrum? He wasn't gonna mess up his room again!

"4S, I really need your advice," He said, crossing his arms. "I feel like I'm gonna have an aneurysm if I don't tell Cheesy how I feel, but I also feel like I'm gonna mess it all up! Can you please talk to me again? Just for a second?"

Still nothing. MePhone sighed, then went back inside. Guess he wouldn't be seeing his brother today. He considered asking MePad for some advice, but realized there was no use asking an emotionless person questions that had so much to do with emotions. He was completely on his own for this.

Well, maybe not completely. He still had that advice Pickle gave him, but he was hesitant to have any faith in someone whose only relationship failed so spectacularly. "Just be yourself," what garbage was that?! For once he plans something in advance just to be told that he's "being obsessive" and "forcing things to happen!" He just wanted to get his feelings off his chest without making a fool of himself!

Why did this have to be so frustrating? Why couldn't he just be his outgoing host self around Cheesy? Why couldn't he work up the courage to confess his feelings? Why wasn't 4S showing up? Why, why, why, why?!

He felt tears stinging his eyes as he paced aimlessly in his living room. His head ached liked he was suffering the worst hangover of his life. He wished more than anything that he could shut down and wake up with all of this sorted.

It was a while before he was thinking straight again, his head still pulsing with pain. He sat down on the couch and tried to think like he wasn't MePhone. He tried thinking like he was 4S or MePad. They were smarter than him.

Okay, so he wanted Cheesy to know that he was in love with him, but confessing was much easier said than done. It took weeks of struggling with self-confidence for him to even head to the hotel with those intentions. How would he even initiate that plan of his? Go up to Cheesy like "hey, do you want to go to this fancy restaurant with me in a totally platonic way tonight?" That sounded stupid. And kind of like... forcing things to happen. MePhone really didn't want to agree with II's biggest dumbass, but right now he was struggling to see this in any other way. Was that a bad thing? It felt like it.

MePhone sighed to himself. There was no Plan B if Plan A failed, and he certainly wasn't coming up with one while suffering this headache. What would he do if something went wrong? He was starting to think with his emotions instead of his mind. He loved Cheesy. He'd never felt such a way about anyone. Nobody was ever this special to him. His heart felt so warm around Cheesy. He wanted to feel that way forever.

Impulsively, he stood up, left his house, then got on the bus. He was going to Hotel OJ, and he had plenty of time to regret his decision on the way.

When the bus arrived at the stop closest to the hotel, MePhone got off, albeit hesitantly. That feeling in the back of his mind was there again, seemingly tying him to the ground and forcing him into a hell of rethinking himself.

But he was already here, and the bus was already leaving. He stared at the towering orange building just down the road, feeling his nerves intensify. Hotel OJ was never his favorite place, but he was never scared of it until now, but he knew what he had to do.

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