Part 5

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Orlas pov

People say the funeral of someone's death is very sad. When I was younger I never believed that. But now I do. I understand why people cry and that people wear black to show their sorrow. That was me at my parents funeral. I woke up that morning and couldn't find the courage to get out of bed. Even after Elise came up and said I could go for I ride I said no. I didn't get up until about 2 hours before the funeral. I had slowly put on my clothes and had only a slice of toast and hAlf a cup of tea for breakfast. We then drive to the church where the funeral was held. Since it was Autumn the leaves where falling of the trees. We made our way inside where people met us and told us how sorry they where. I hardly listened and just have them a small smile. At one stage I was "talking" to some of my parents friends when I looked at the alter. Then I noticed the two coffins. I slowly turned to face them and walked towards them. People moved out of the way and gave me sad looks. As I reached the top of the alter I saw the coffins containing my parents. The slightly larger one had a picture of my father on it and the smaller one had my mother. I didn't realize I had started crying until I felt a tear run down my cheek and Elise gave a a tissue. I knew today was going to be a tough day.

3 hours later:
After the funeral I stopped talking. Once my parents where placed in the ground I couldn't talk. It was like they had taken my tongue with them. At least when we got home I talked to Elise and told her that I was going to see Cassie. When I entered the barn all the horses and ponies put their heads out looking to see if I had any treats. I walked past all of them and headed straight for Cassie. Of course she gave a nicker and snuffled at my pocket for treats. I couldn't help but give a sad smile. "Hey girl"I said. "Today was awful, my parents had their funeral and u are the only person I have talked to , well horse. " After a while of just stroking Cassie the tears I had been holding in came out. " I miss them so much" I cryed and I hugged Cassie and cryed into her mane. She seemed to understand and she turned to me and kinda hugged me. When I had composed myself I sat down on the hay and watched her eat. Every so often she would come over to make sure I was ok. Late in the night I said bye to her and headed back to the house. As soon as I had closed the door Elise appeared. "Orla r u ok!! R u hungry I left ur dinner on the stove" Elise said. "No I'm not hungry , I'm just going to go to my room" I replied. I didn't wait for a reply and headed upstairs I didn't even bother to change. I just lay in bed and eventually fell asleep. I dreamed of what may have been if my parents had survived and of all the happy times we had. At one stage I woke up in tears and was sweating so much that I had to change. I then cryed myself to sleep.
Hey guys....... You r probably wondering why I didn't kelp my promise. Well, I have been extremely busy. I had a Irish camp for 2 weeks and I had places to be and all that stuff. I know they are not real excuses and I am sorry. So now I have 2 weeks to make every new chapter or as many chapters as I want. Please chalk out my new book The Journey of Hailey. vote and follow and read my other books.

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