My horse and me (part 2)

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Orla was in shock. He was so cute. "Hi I'm so sorry to hear about your parents" Andrew said. "It's ok" Orla replied. "Orla after lunch you can go down to the stables and ride Cassie" Elise said. "Ya" Orla said. "I see we have something in common" Andrew said. "Ya, I used to have my own horse and me and my mom used to ride together " Orla told him. "See u later " He said. He then walked out the door.

Orla walked into the stable. She went into the tack room and got Cassie's grooming kit and tack. She then went over to Cassie and groomed her. After that she tacked her up. She grabbed her helmet and took Cassie into the arena. She asked Andrew for a leg up. She thought he was strong. "You are really light, easy to lift up" he said. Orla blushed. She put her feet in the stirrups and took hold of the reins. She then asked Cassie to walk. When she was warmed up she asked her to trot and canter. She then went over a jump. Orla lived Cassie. "What do u think Of her " Elise asked. "I live her" Orla said. "You can own her if u want" Elise said. "Oh o would love that, thank u" Orla said. She gave Elise a big hug she then took Cassie back to her stall and untracked her. She then quickly sponged her down and put on her rug for the night. Andrew then showed her where Cassie's food was and then she have her her food. Orla then went back to the house and had dinner. She then went to bed. She thought about her day and drifted off to sleep. She began to have a dream if her and Cassie .

The next day she got up and headed downstairs for breakfast. She was planning in exploring more and getting to now Cassie better. She had breakfast and then got dressed. She then headed down to the stables where she found a lesson on. It was a group lesson. It turned out that her aunt needed help so she was not able to go see Cassie until after lunch. She still could not believe she was hers.

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