Few Years Later
"You are going to have a wonderful day at school, and if you don't like it or still not feeling well you can call me and I'll come get you." I said to Ariana.
"Okay mom, i love you."
"I love you more sweetie pie." I said kissing her cheek.
"Bye dad!" She waved as she walked out.
She's already 8. It felt like she was just born.
"Glad it's me and you now." Xavier said pulling me towards him.
He then started kissing my neck and then he picked me up.
He walked me towards our room and took his cock out.
"Can you take it?" He asked me and i looked down.
"Yes?" I said.
"Good." He said and he pulled my shorts and panties down.
He slammed his cock into me hard and I grabbed the sheets.
"Ahh!" I moaned loudly.
He then puts his hand on my throat and kept slamming into me, "So fucking wet." He groaned.
"Ahh Xavier." I moaned throwing my head back.
"Xavier it's too much!" I moaned as i watched him slide more inches into me.
"You can take it love." He said in my ear and i closed my eyes tight.
I then hear his phone ring but we both ignored it.
"Pull your shirt up." He said and i did, "So beautiful." He groaned while grabbing my boobs. "Xavier." I moaned loudly.
"Fuck I'm on the edge." He groaned. I then clinched around him and he started thrusting into me harder and faster.
"Oh my gosh, please slow down Xavier." I moaned but he wouldn't.
"Love.." he groaned and then he pulled out and saw all of my cum on his cock.
He stroked his cock and slid it back in me and started going so hard, I knew my legs weren't going to work afterwards.
"Oh my gosh!" I moaned and he pulled out and came all over my stomach.
"Fuck!" He groaned breathing heavily.
He then laid on the bed next to me breathing heavy and i was also.
We then looked at each other and he smiled, "Round two?" He said and my eyes widened.
"No thanks." I said and he chuckled.
We then both took a shower together, and once he was finished he put a suit on.
"Work?" I asked him as he walked out the closet.
"Yeah, it's annoying." He said and i smiled.
I then got a call from Ariana school and I put it on speaker.
"Hi, am I speaking to Ariana Maranzano mother?"
"She's throwing up a lot, and we just wanted to tell you. Do you have anyone that can come get her? Or are you available?" She asked.
"Oh, yes I'm available, I'll come now." I said standing. "Great." The lady said and we hung up.
As I was getting dressed Xavier stood by me, "Why did you let her go to school?" He asked.
"Well she was saying she felt much better and she really wanted to go, so i just let her." I said.
"Well I'm coming with you." He said and we got in his car and started heading to her school.
"Won't you be late for work?" I asked looking up at him.
"If it's something for my two wonderful, important girls, then I'll be late for work as many times." He said and then we held hands, and after a few seconds, his hands traveled to my thigh and he gripped on it.
Once we made it to the school we both got out and signed Ariana out, and then took her home.
"Mom, dad.." she said while Xavier was carrying her, to her room.
"Yes?" Xavier asked.
"Can I have some strawberry milk?"
"Sure, I'll bring it up to you sweetie." I said to her.
Once I grabbed her milk I gave it to her and she felled asleep.
"Off to work now, call me if you need anything or if something happens."
"Okay baby, have a great day at work." I said to him and he pulled my waist and kissed me.
He then walked out and I got a called from my parents, "Hello?" I said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, is Ariana feeling a little better? I would love to see her."
"No mom, sorry, she's still sick."
"Oh, sorry to hear that, is it the flu? A fever? A cold?"
"It's a fever, so now im making her some dinner to eat once she wakes up." I said.
"Oh okay, can you give me a call back when she's okay?" My mother asked.
"Sure, and i know she misses you a lot." I said.
"Awh, i miss her also." My mom said, "Does she misses me by any chance?" My father asked and i laughed a little.
"Yes, she misses both of you very much." I said.
"Well great, hope she gets well soon." My father said.
"Yeah, same. But I have to go now, I need to bring dinner up before she starts whining." I said.
"Okay, well love you." My mother said.
"I love you too." I said to her and we hung up.
Once we got off the phone and I started cooking dinner and it wasn't ready until an hour.
Since Ariana was still asleep, I took a shower and shaved my body, then I sat on the couch waiting for Xavier to get home.
After a few hours passed Ariana finally had woken up, "Hey sweetie, are you hungry?"
"Yes." She said and I grabbed her a plate of food and brought it up stairs.
"Here you go." I said feeding it to her, and once she was done, she felled back asleep and I went downstairs and saw Xavier walking through the door.
"Hey love." He said hugging me.
"Hey, are you hungry?"
"Nope just tired and wanna cuddle with my princess." He said and I smiled.
He then went upstairs and took a shower, and then he came next to me with just his boxers on.
He wrapped his arms around me and i laid under him, "It feels so good to be with you like this." He said and i smiled and kissed him.
"I love you." I said, "I love you more princess." He said and we laid there together and felled asleep.

Deeper (18+)🔥
Roman d'amour"My brother hates you. What if they kill you!" I said to Xavier. "Princess.." he said touching my cheek. His hands were cold, and very huge. "He won't get to touch me." He said and I looked up at him. He then pulls me to kiss him and I just melt in...