Chapter 2: Familiar.

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- Dialogue -
"Lucifer: You okay buddy..?

Adam: ...

Lucifer: Charlie hasn't introduced me to you yet. You new?

Adam: get out.

Lucifer: I can't if I can hear someone panicking and crying."
- Action -
Lucifer closes the door behind him and walks over to the bed where Adam is. Lucifer then tries to uncover the blankets off of Adam but Adams grip is too strong.
- Dialogue -
"Lucifer: The names Lucifer! Ya know kinda cliché that I'm the king am I right? And you aree..?

Adam: my name is not important.

Lucifer: why not? You tell Charlie and not her father huh? That's fine.! So what's got you all broken down like this?

Adam: it's nothing.."
- Action -
Lucifer turns his head confused on who this is and he's here. He tries to pester Adam to remove the blankets. Lucifer then sits down on the bed next to Adam and gives Adam a pat on his knees.
- Dialogue -
"Lucifer: it's okay to be shy?

Adam: I'm not shy. It's just other things.

Lucifer: and those are?

Adam: Just leave it..!"
- Action -
Adam gets more upset at Lucifer's Annoying questions and constant talking. Adam feels as if he isn't in control anymore. Adam starts to shake more as he's afraid and doesn't know what's happening to him. Lucifer gets a little concerned by Adam's Sudden shaking.
- Dialogue -
"Lucifer: Hey...? Uh you doing okay? Sir.?

Adam: What's...happening!?

Lucifer: I'm not sure.? Are Ya new to Hell?"
- Action -
Adam Continues to shakes, he then covers himself more as a way to comfort himself. Lucifer seems concerned, Lucifer pats Adam Awkwardly as he has no clue what to do. Lucifer's Eyes widen as a display of a hologram mask that's glitching above Adams head. Lucifer suddenly gasps as he quickly recognizes the Glitching mask as an exorcist mask from heaven. Lucifer Grabs the blankets and Yanks them away off of Adam. Lucifer gasps loudly from The sight of Adam but...Different. He no longer has his Angelic Appearance.
- Dialogue -
"Lucifer: ADAM..!?


Lucifer: What are you doing here..?"
- Action -
Adam backs away further from Lucifer until he hits the Headboard of the bed. Adam starts to Cover himself again. Lucifer starts to get a little upset about Adam staying at the hotel. Lucifer then jumps on Adam in anger for what Adam did. Lucifer shakes Adam then grabs him by the throat to choke him. Adam coughs as Lucifer's grip gets tighter. Adam tries to fight back but he knows now he's a demon he now has much less power than Lucifer.
- Dialogue -
"Adam: l...let..GO..!

Lucifer: I'm going to make you pay for the shit you put my daughter through. 1. You were being a Bitch to her
2. You tried to KILL her
3. My Dazzle died.
5. You killed her Close guest.
The list goes on Adam...There's no way You're getting yourself out of this."
- Action -
Lucifer Lifts up his arms and makes a fire above him, Lucifer's demonic form with his Wings begins to summon itself of pure Rage. Lucifer smiles as he wants to finish what Charlie didn't allow him to. Adam calms down as he knows this is the end for him. He's screwed. Adam closes his eyes shut, ready to be obliterated. Charlie from in her room hears the noises and yelling. Charlie goes over to her dad's room to see if he was there. Charlie looks around Lucifer's Bedroom office and sees that no one is here. She then panicked to herself that her dad is in Adam's bedroom. Charlie rushes to Adams room and knocks on the door hard. From the other side of the room Lucifer stops what he's doing and pushes Adam Against the bed and calms his demon form with his wings.
- Dialogue -
"Lucifer: Listen If you don't stay calm I will kill you. I'd say this is just luck. Got it?

Adam: Mhm..."
- Action -
Lucifer walks to the door and opens it for Charlie. Lucifer gives her a warm smile and Lets her in the room. Adam tries to keep his calm and holds his breath. Adam also tries to control his Demon form.
- Dialogue -
"Lucifer: Heyy Charlie...what's got you up so early?

Charlie: Noises. Loud noises. Why are you here?

Lucifer: Well I didn't know your "Guest" was Adam? I thought I'd pay him a little visit. Ya know, Like old times.

Charlie: You're not mad..?

Lucifer: Haha! Don't be silly. Of course I'm mad. Why did you allow him in the hotel!?

Charlie: well...everyone gets a chance to be redeemed...he's not a threat anymore. He agreed to everything I told him.

Lucifer: No Charlie...we need to get rid of him. I think he can handle being in hell alone. Don't you think?

Charlie: I can't give up like that Dad? Everyone deserves a chance...even if they've done more than the worst things...I can handle this. Why does everyone say I can't handle this...alone.

Lucifer: Charlie...that's not what I'm saying...I'm saying that you have no idea when Adam will come back at us. I don't trust Him."
- Action -
Adam gets offended when Lucifer says he doesn't Trust him. Adam Tries to Keep himself together as he listens to their conversations. After a while of Lucifer and Charlie Arguing, Adam Snaps. Revealing his Demonic form. His horns give off a small glow, his pupil turns into a dark red as the other eyes turns fully red. His exorcist mask is now a part of Adams Demon form as it hovers in front of his face and glitches.
- Dialogue -
"Adam: What do you know about Trust!? I didn't know I was someone to not trust? Right Lucifer?

Lucifer: What are you even talking about Adam?

Adam: You know exactly what I'm talking about. You fucking backstabber!

Lucifer: If this is about Eden just push it aside. That was thousands of years ago!

Adam: I don't care if it was "Years" ago. It doesn't change the fact that you left me.

Charlie: What?

Lucifer: Don't worry about it's just things that Adam can't get over.

Adam: oh!? Really!? Things I can't get over? That's hilarious...but either way Lilith still left you.

Lucifer: Don't you about Her like that. "
- Action -
Lucifer Pounces on Adam in anger and falls to the floor, Lucifer summons his Demon form again Except without his wings. He pushes Adam deeper into the ground making it hurt a lot more than Adams Fall. Adam Screams in pain as he can feel something cracking inside him. Charlie Gets upset at their behavior in the Hotel and pushes Lucifer to the side.
- Dialogue -

"Lucifer: Tch... Charlie let me handle this.

Charlie: NO! This isn't the way...I thought you were better than this dad. This is my Hotel. I can do whatever I feel is best.."
- Action -
A Long silence comes across all of them.

Words: 1160

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