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I froze as Ava came in and Saw the scene, me laughing leif who was downing cup after cup of water, and the other three Daemos looking amused at their comrades misfortune... not to mention the bottle of whiskey on the counter.

"Y/N..." she said, looking pissed


"You did not."

"Rules are rules."

"She did beat me in that spar," Leif said as he recovered. "But how are you not suffering!" Leif says

"I dink it like its water... doesn't affect me anymore." I lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Ya took it well though." I shrugged

"Really..?" he asked.

"Mhm, I know men in the army who can't take a shot without becoming all teary eyed... Pathetic fucks." I chuckled before patting his shoulder. "Good job." I went to my room and sat at my desk where Thorn's enclosure sat.

"Hey baby... how are ya?" I smiled and reached into his enclosure and pet his cephalothorax (the fat part).

A knock on the door and Noi came in. "Hey.." he smiled.

"Oh hey." I pulled my hand away from Thorn and looked at Noi.

"Are you alright from the spar..? He kinda slammed you on the floor a bit hard..."

"A bit sore, but I'm fine, no help needed."  I looked at Thorn and grabbed a few dead beetles before dropping them in.

"What are you doing..?" Noi asked as he watched.

"Feeding thorn." I watched as the spider tore apart the beetles. "I ran out of live food so dead food will have to do..."

"Huh... strange..." Noi said as he sat on the floor and watched.

"What is thorn exactly..?" he asked.

"A spider... tarantula to be exact. Basically, the bug that 60% of humans hate, the other 30% is normal people who don't mind them, and the last 10% are freaky like me." I shrugged.

"... I think he's cute.." Noi said as he looked at Thorn.

"Wanna hold him?" I asked.

"Is he dangerous..?"

"Yeah.. But he doesn't like to bite, hasn't don't it ever."

"That's reassuring..?" he mumbled.


"I-i'll pass for now..." he chuckled.

I nodded "Alright."

I checked the time it was around 5PM around this time Ava would lock herself in her room and sleep

I stood up and grabbed thorn. "I'm gonna go bully Asch." I chuckled and walked out of my room, Noi following me happily.

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