Chapter 13 - Epic Swagger

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"Get down!"

The alert barely reached them as an attack almost at the speed of light shot past Protector and began to glitch up the ground it struck into. Looking back to where the attack came from, Glitch almost caught him off guard, slamming a glitch powered punch at him, scarping across his face. 

"Times up, buddster." Glitch spoke sarcastically.

"Not a chance!" Yelled Zachary, shouting a bolt of electricity, ripping right through Glitch's chest. 

Despite any other ordinary human dying from this attack, all it took was one glitch for Glitch to fill in the hole that had be produced. As another bolt of electricity shot at him, he wasted no time nor effort in grabbing and returning it to sender, sending shockwaves of electricity through Zachary. At the same time, Glitch managed to skim past a strike of flames from Niamh and knock her to the ground. Following up his allies efforts, Protector pulled out his blade and swung at his glitched sworn enemy, striking it into his arm.

"Gragh, you'll pay for that, imbecile." Screamed Glitch as his arm slowed down on glitching.

In anger, he knocked back Protector and swung his fist at him. Protector ducked under it just in time, but Neon Riley was not so lucky, slamming right into his cheek and knocking his glasses of his forehead. Looking down at the ground, the chill, calm guy expression disappeared, with a more anger filled person taking over.

"Bro, not cool." He said, anger visible in his voice.

Neon Riley grabbed Glitch's arm and flung him over his head, shouting "Heads up!" at Neon Adam, who spun his arm around and as Glitch approached him, slammed him right through the wall of the lab, with all the workers attention turning to the glitching person lying on the ground.

"We've got this." Said Neon Adam. "You guys find Neon Jester and he'll help you with the Gateway."

"Be careful alright." Protector told them. "If you guys look to not be holding your own well, I'm jumping in, powerless or not."

"You two dreaded Neon pests." Glitch yelled angrily. "I already hate this world and now you're just reinforcing my reasons. Since you two are so eager to join in the conflict you were never a part of, I'll gladly do so."

Glitch leapt back through the hole, ready to inflict his glitch powers onto Neon Riley. Riley leapt out the way, leaving Glitch to head directly at Neon Adam, delivering another punch the glitching invader and launching him towards the lava. Due to his glitching, Glitch felt none of the heat nor the pain, simply teleporting back to safety.

"So you're the guy who keeps coming back to my world and trying to ruin it." Neon Riley said, cracking his knuckles. "Nah bro, you ain't ever gonna destroy this place. And besides, I'm gonna end your reign."

"You get no say in this, mortal!" Screamed Glitch in complete anger.

As the Neon duo and Glitch continued to fight, although it was more Neon Riley and Adam making a joke out of him, Protector, Niamh and Zachary snuck into the lab while none of them were looking in their direction. Neon Jester has looking through the hole created by the conflict as the clash went on. 

"Neon Jester, we need your help." Protector told him.

"Ah, Protector, haven't seen you in a while." Neon Jester replied, as if it was another normal day. "And friends from another world I presume."

"So long story short, we're kinda stuck here and Neon Riley told us to find you and get the Gateway up and running for us to leave." Niamh told Neon Jester.

"Hmm, normally, we don't let people use it, but since you guys aren't from our world, we can make an exception, follow me."

Neon Jester lead the three to the basement of the lab, where the Gateway stood in the centre of the room in front of them. Jester walked up to the control panel and began punching in some commands.

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