short story

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If there's anything Kenny McCormick is used to, it's pain. Both physically and emotionally, suffering dominates every aspect of his existence.

For the longest time, he was unable to recall a single day where he was not in distress. Constantly battling with his family — drug-addicted alcoholics, and the curse... The inescapable fate of death day after day.

His days blurred into a relentless cycle of torment.

He was growing tired.

The typically sunny and enthusiastic boy who somehow always found enjoyment and passion in the world was rapidly losing his spark. He'd show up to school a mess, bloodshot eyes and dishevelled hair poking out from underneath his parka. He wouldn't eat. He wouldn't speak. His once vibrant blue eyes were now clouded with resignation, refusing to meet with anyone else.

How long had it been since he had felt truly happy? He wasn't sure anymore.

His friends didn't seem to notice, or they didn't care — Too busy with their own lives and problems, and although Kenny understood, it was still lonesome. They would never remember anyway; his curse fated his deaths to be forgotten each and every time.

Nights as Mysterion didn't help his growing demoralization, constantly exposed to the worst of his town; The town, the people he swore to protect... What was worth saving anymore? He found himself struggling to remember.

His family?

Kevin and Karen.

Kevin seemed self-sufficient, not needing Kenny around, which was fine. He was turning out more and more like their father every day, creating a distance between the two brothers.

On the other hand, Karen was Kenny's sole motivation for continuing on. Kenny needed to live to protect her; at least, that's what he told himself. She was growing up, becoming more independent... Going about her life, making new friends. When she was no longer in need of him, he wasn't sure what he would do with himself. Of course, she'd always love her older brother, but the need to be useful... To feel needed and wanted made Kenny wish time would slow down.

Days pressed on.

Spring turned to summer, and summer quickly turned to fall, the start of another school year, His last. And although it was the final year of school, everything felt the same. Stan is still miserable, Kyle is still angry, Eric is still... Eric.

Perhaps it was the people he hung around, but Kenny felt more despondent than ever. He wanted a change, hoped for something, anything to be different. More than anything, he wished that the next time he died, he'd stay that way.

But he was never lucky.

Except, perhaps, on one incredibly snowy morning. The arrival of a new student during graduation year. You.

At first, Kenny wasn't very receptive. Not caring too much about your presence or who you were, only being cordial if you happened to be in a group together. But somehow and someway, the two of you began to get closer and closer. You hung out during and after every party, smoked together during lunch breaks, and even moved seats in class to sit together.

For the first time in so long, Kenny finally felt the light in his life flicker back like someone had lit a candle in his chest. He began to feel warm and optimistic, but only with you. How you'd smile and laugh made his cheeks burn and his heart pound, something he hadn't felt in what seemed like years.

He had found someone else he wanted to protect. Someone that he wanted to give his everything for. You, who made him feel treasured and cherished with every gentle caress and every affectionate glance. All the sadness in his body had melted away like ice, exposing his soft side once again. Being with you, being in your arms, was like Heaven to him, and even Heaven itself never managed to make him feel like this.

He felt safe.

He felt safe even when death was constantly looming over his head. As long as he was with you, he'd persevere. The unfortunate day he happened to die in front of you for the first time was grim, but the feeling of being nestled in your arms as he passed was undoubtedly the most wonderful he had ever felt. If he could die like this every time, he wouldn't mind anymore.

Death began to feel like more of an inconvenience, and he wanted nothing more than to rush back to Earth to be next to you again, To hear your angelic voice and feel your delicate hands in his.

Graduation soon passed, and the two of you were still inseparable, spending every moment you possibly could together. Neither of you had confessed yet, but that was alright. You were both sure of each other's feelings, and that was enough. Kenny contemplated when he would finally say those three words to you, wanting the moment to be memorable and momentous so that you could feel how much he meant them.

He loved you with his entire being. But perhaps he waited just a little too long.

Time never stops, and as Kenny has come to learn, God can be cruel.

An accident.

A drunk driver swerved into the wrong lane.

A second later, and it would've missed you, but in the blink of an eye, you were gone.

The moment Kenny received that call, The moment he found out, he felt his entire world come crashing down. Nothing felt real, and nothing could have prepared him for this. The light of his life was gone, and there was not a thing he could do about it. You weren't going to come back like he did...He wouldn't wake up the following day, forgetting what happened and seeing you smile next to him.

You would never come back.

The ache in his chest was so excruciating that only death could relieve him for a short while. He knew he'd come back, and regardless of how long it had been, that pain would never go away. You had left a permanent mark on his soul, and he wished he'd never met you... He wouldn't have to live with this feeling for the rest of his immortal life if he didn't. You were the best thing that had ever happened in his life, the one person that made him want to continue to live. How could he possibly go on without you?

He was forced to... Whether he wanted to or not.

Desperate to hopefully see you again, he began to put himself in more danger to feel the sweet release of death... But when it didn't happen soon enough, he did it himself.

Heaven was a beautiful place that Kenny was all too familiar with. He'd be an Angel for a moment before being quickly sent back to Earth. He knew how this all worked, and he hoped and prayed that you would be up here with him so that he could see you, hear you, touch you...

And you were.

As captivating and radiant as ever, an angel.

His angel.

The two of you met again, arms holding each other as tight as they could, never wanting to let go as Kenny sobbed into the crook of your neck. He held you like it would be the last time, and it would be, as you were to be reincarnated and sent back to Earth.

He finally told you those three words; I love you. And you repeated them back, making his heart skip a beat and his chest ache.

One promise was made that you two would meet once more, and before he knew it, Kenny woke up in his bed once again.

He still hurt, but he continued on for you, and before he knew it, he began to see you in everything. A bird that hung around his window, the breeze that nipped at his skin, the sun that shone onto him through his blinds when he'd wake up in the mornings...

The thoughts comforted him, helping him through the darkest days of his life.

Someday, you'd meet again; until then, he'd push forward.

He had to.
this is corny and cliche and im lowkey embarrassed to post this. i think my writing has gotten worse... gotta push through the writers block somehow tho i guess. im sad today haha
thanks for reading 🫶🏻

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