What He has Become

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Through the next couple days Yuichiro was well taken care of, he was fed plenty and his broken ribs were tended to. But he did not once step outside Krul's home in all his stay there, he hardly even left his bedchamber; he only left the room to use the bathroom and he was becoming restless.

Upon the eve of Yuichiro's third day in the home of Krul, he was paid a surprise visit.

Yuichiro sat idly on his bed, staring at a tapestry on the wall; depicted in fine threads of dyed linen, gold, and silver, was a hooded eagle. The eagle clung to the gloved arm of an anonymous person, whose head was not visible in the frame of the image.

Yuichiro examined the image thoroughly, till he was familiar with it's every detail. Forevermore he would remember the tapestry, the glistening of the threads in the dim light of a candle, and the vibrant reds and greens of the died linen. He gazed so many hours upon it, it was only natural he commit it to memory.

Yuichiro was startled from his contemplation of the tapestry when the door to his room was opened.

"Mika? Thou hast come!" He crooned in pleasant surprise.

"Yes, Y-u... Do not tell anyone that I have been here." Mikaela stepped into the room and closed the door behind himself.

"Alright?" Yuichiro furrowed his brow weakly at Mikaela's strange request, the blond's distrust of Krul was perplexing to him.

Mikaela stood, unmoving in the center of the room.

Yuichiro wondered at the blond's intentions in visiting him for only a short time before becoming impatient and standing from his bed.

"Mika, art thou alright? Thou hast been behaving strangely. Why art thou here and who are these people?" He stepped directly in front of Mikaela, but when his questions elicited no answers he became frustrated.

"Why dost thou refuse to speak to me of anything of importance? Thou art telling me to keep things secret from Krul, but thou art keeping things secret from me! Hast thou any reason for thy distrust of her?..." Yuichiro gave an extra inch of space between himself and the other, piercing Mikaela's very soul with his doubting green eyes, "or for thy distrust of me?..."

"Yu... I am..." Mikaela faltered, taken aback by Yuichiro's suddenly chary attitude towards him.

"Krul has done something to me."

"What dost thou mean?" Yuichiro frowned questioningly, keeping his unwavering gaze upon the blond.

"I am ashamed to tell the of it... I am afraid to tell thee." Mikaela averted his gaze from the fierce eyes before him.

Yuichiro remained silent, awaiting clarification.

"Yu... I am no longer verily human."

"What?!..." Yuichiro breathed.

"I am no longer human. Krul has used an alchemy of some kind, she has changed me into a vampire..."

Yuichiro and Mikaela stood in juxtaposition in the confines of the small, dim room.

"A vampire?" Yuichiro repeated in confirmation.



"I know not."


"I know not." Mikaela repeated, apparently just as uninformed as Yuichiro, on the subject.

Instead of shrinking away in uncertainty as Mikaela had expected Yuichiro to do, the sable haired boy approached him; peering curiously into his blue eyes.

It unnerved Mikaela to be examined so carefully and closely, and he soon stepped back; preparing to leave the room.

"Mika, wait!" Yuichiro called softly, but to no avail; Mikaela was gone.

Hey just a heads up I haven't written more of this story since like 2022 so there won't be much more of it. But I've still got three more parts to share. Then after that this story will be officially discontinued.

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