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V- U know u are late buddy.
IU-Fuck you what can I do when this is not letting me come in.
Man- Respect me I am elder than you.
IU- Fuck your Respect.
Man- Nahh I have a beautiful wife to fuck.
D.O- Shutup or I will kill this V. Don't forget I have alliance with The Hunters's Boss Tiger.(smirk)
Jk- What? He was our alliance? How he can join hands with anyone and betray us?
D.O- Because U kill his loyal man Bogum that's why he is with me.
Man- But I am alive.
The man remove his mask and Everyone except tae and IU were shocked to see him alive while tae just smirk.
V- Surprise! Surprise! Did u really think bogum will betray me his boss, his tiger tsk tsk. It was our plan to catch you and save his family.
Joon- For God shake will u ever tell us something?
V- (nervous Chuckle) Sorry hyung but I wasn't able to tell u due to privacy. I want a man to whom no one can doubt so Bogum hyung have to die.
IU- Tell your story later Fucker first let's finish them and took this scumbag in our basement.
They all nooded and start and within a few minutes enemies were lying dead on floor covered with their own blood. They all have only minor cuts and they cage D.O with them and took him with them. Jk was about to sit in front seat but IU stop him.
IU- Can u please sit on back seat.
Jk nooded and sit on back side tae come and open the front seat door for IU who sit and tae sit on driver seat. Taekook, IU, bogum and hobi are in one car while yoonmin and namjin are in one car.

 Taekook, IU, bogum and hobi are in one car while yoonmin and namjin are in one car

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IU- Such a gentleman boyfriend I have.
Tae- Eww don't touch me u smell like pig.
Everyone start laughing except IU who glare at him and load her gun.
IU- Today I will kill u bitch.
Tae- Dream on make-up shop.
Hobi- Are u two really in relationship?
Tae- Relationship? And with this witch? I will die before dating her.
IU- Like I am dying to date this fucker(roll her eyes).
Like this bickering they reach home and sit in living room where they see a man who was shipping coffee.
IU- Baby.
IU sat on his lap and they start kissing, Everyone were looking at them with shocked face while tae and bogum start eating snacks ignoring them.
Jm- How can u look so calm?
Bogum- It's their daily routine.
Tae- Come on hyung I am not interested in your live p**n so stop it.
They stop and get settled on couch.

To be continue

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