"I don't know you."

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"I don't know you."

After hearing those words, Tsukasa clenched his fists, squeezing the small gift box he held in his right hand.

"Rui, you're joking right?" Tsukasa asked, his voice wavering at the end.

The purple haired boy in front of him looked to the boy on his a left before looking back at Tsukasa.

"Don't call me that," Rui said as he turned away from the blonde boy holding the gift box, basically crushing it now. "Please leave me and my friend alone. We don't know you."

"You-" Tsukasa didn't know what to say.

Rui grabbed the boy next to him's hand and started to walk away.

That brown haired boy didn't seem to mind holding hands with his friend.

Tsukasa felt his face burn up from both angry and embarrassment. He squeezed his hands harder, his nails digging into his palm and the gift box Turing into the shape of a crumpled paper.

Tsukasa stared at Rui and the other guy as they walked away.

"Can't you just hear me out?" Tsukasa practically cried out.

Rui didn't look back but the other guy did. His bright blue eyes seemed to judge Tsukasa in every way possible. Looking at the "worlds greatest future star", the boy showed a brief moment of disgust on his face - his nose scrunching up, his brows furrowing, and his eyes looking down on him.

After what the boy would consider a "quick glance" at Tsukasa, he faced forward, still holding hands with Rui, and continued walking.

Tsukasa turned away from them and lowered his head, looking at the ground. He loosened his fist a bit and instead bit his lip to the point where it would hurt but not be punctured by his teeth and bleed.

He felt eyes on him from everywhere around him. The looks he felt were probably judging him too. Looking into every part of his soul, or maybe they were just staring straight through hin like he was invisible.

It was less likely to be the latter since Tsukasa was humiliated in front of the public around him.

From theor perspective, a random guy walked up to another seemingly knowing him but ended up not.

Quite a simple way to put it. Maybe too simple.

Trying to ignore the feeling of eyes on him, Tsukasa started to walk in the opposite direction of the pair that stood before him just moments earlier.

His chest hurt and his body convulsed.

He could vomit any minute now.

He hated that feeling more than anything.

Tsukasa just wanted to drop dead right then and there. He hoped for a random thunderstorm so lighting can strike him and leave him deceased. Or for a drunk driver to hit and kill him.

All because some stupid director embarrassed him in public.

Acting like he never new Tsukasa then holding some random guys hand and leaving? Those two weren't even friends a week ago.

And instead of at least letting Tsukasa speak, he just walked away and let him be stared down by a bunch of random people and that "friend" of his.

What was even the point of that?!

Tsukasa's stomach hurt with anger. But he wasn't angry for too long as that sickening feeling of nausea came back to him.

He wanted to cry, but he can't cry in public. He's already had enough of their glares.

Yo Yo Yo it's me the great busy bee

Here's a quick short story it's not too good since I've wrote it in like 30 minutes

Sorry if there's any mistakes

For the long one I'm working on idea when it'll come out but when it does I'm never setting a deadline again 💀

Hope you've enjoyed reading this quick read 👍👍

~Ms. Author 😉😉

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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