6-Meet the Vees

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the song is for later, but you can listen to it if you want ig, i dont control u


Y/N Pov

Rain pattered on my windowsill. I curled deeper into my pillow and mattress. Smoke whirled up from the bowl to reveal:

2:19 AM.

God damnit.

I commanded the smoke to fall or whatever, then grumbled, "Fucking thunderstorms."

A knock at the door opened my eyes. Turning to look at it...it was soooo far away, like 5 feet away from my bed, and I didn't want to get up. "Come in...or something...fuck...."

(a/n why does that remind me of the line in s1e8 where adam goes "fuck you you red piece of...too much fucking red...fuck....shut up!!!!!" idk it just does)

The door opened slightly before fully, and a calm, smooth voice rang out through my room. It was male. What?

"Good morning!" A sound effect from some kids' TV show played. "Get up."

I buried my face deeper into my pillow and mumbled, "Noooooooo!!! It's daylight savings time and it's 2 AM! Can you leave.....yeea.....hmmmhgmmokdfhisfsukfhcbu."

Well, the last part happened when I was falling back asleep. And I was asleep until the bitch decided to SHAKE ME AWAKE, which......um.....not a good idea.

I lashed out, my ears flattened in anger, my eyes narrowed, and claws extended. "Don't fucking try that again."

The demon standing in front of me was tall, with a blue and red palette, a hat that resembled TV antennae, and the weirdest feature of all: HIS FACE WAS A FUCKING FLAT-SCREEN TV.

"Woah! Calm down, kitty! Valentino wants to see you. I'm Vox, and the person strangely across the hall from you is Velvette." He stuck out a clawed hand, that I assumed was for me to shake. I didn't, though, because this flat-faced moron was making me angry.

"Out of my room."

Vox raised one eyebrow. "Valentino-"

"I don't give a fuck what Valentino wants. Leave me alone. It's 2 AM, don't you need to go charge?" I mocked him, tilting my head.

Vox chuckled. A static effect came over his voice. "You might not want to say that to him. But, you do you, and the you I've met is going to get killed."

"Hmm." I pulled on a cute outfit (your choice) and followed him through the dim halls to a room with......dicks on the walls.....and.......hearts?

And then I saw him.


He looked exactly as he was in the real world.


Valentino grabbed my hair and threw me against the wall. He snarled. "Slut! You're on stage in thirty ticks, get out there! NOW, or you know what'll happen."

I dusted myself off and strutted out on stage with my arms up high.

Taking a deep breath, I started singing. Valentino said I could sing whatever I wanted.

*song start*

"I think I must have met him yesterday
He waltzed in from the outskirts of east L.A
He seems to be the name on everybody's lips
So I told myself I wouldn't fall for it
But then

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