🌻 Assignment 4

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Quick reminder about guidelines:

📌 For a chapter of 1k+ word count, each member has to leave at least 3 inline comments and 1 overall comment of 4+ lines. Prologues do count as a chapter. Any part which is too short (of less than 500 words) do not count.

📌 After completion of every assignment, each member's feedbacks will be monitored and evaluated. If we find anyone needs more push in improving the quality of comments, they will be taken under guidance round (the following two rounds). Upon failure of providing helpful feedback for three consecutive rounds, the member shall be expelled from the club.

📌 The book club operates with an aim for writers to seek and give critical help to the fellow authors and improve their craft of writing. This means one needs to have an attitude of interest towards reading. Do not read just for the sake of it and leave comments which have already been made. Rather, try to be of help. If someone has already mentioned many times about an error in a paragraph of your partner's story, do not repeat the same comment and be done with it. Instead, mention it once as a reminder and provide possible, valuable feedback, or a replacement.

📌 It's mandatory for an overall comment to contain these aspects in it:
>> What you like about the overall chapter.
>> What you think can be improved.
Any comment that doesn't contain both the parts will not be considered. Do not forget to add #ERBC to your overall comment.

📌 If someone wishes to continue further rounds with the same club pair, have it confirmed with your partner and drop the community account a message saying the same. We will add you both to the permanent pairing group, where you will be reading each other's work till last chapter, or until you wish to continue.

📌 If someone fails to do the assignment, we will send a DM with renewed deadline to the member in question. If they fail to revert or complete the assignment, such member will be denied any further entry into the club, as well as from seeking any of the community services. This is a two-way transaction where both the writers provide feedback to each other's works. If someone expects to get the feedback, but do zero work in return, we will have to take needful action in such cases. However, if a member goes on a hiatus with proper, prior notice, they will be exempted from this rule. They must complete the pending assignment upon returning. Hiatus form has been provided in the book itself, kindly fill the form properly before going inactive.

📌 Assignment 04 📌

Starting: 11th March // 5 pm, IST
Deadline: 18th March // 5 pm, IST

Kindly convert the time to your zone.


Book club moderator: AakritiPathak
For any questions or concern, kindly tag the moderator in comment section



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