C1 :- mask rider 🎭

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("No you can't keep up like this , you need to tell him , he is obliged to take the responsibility. Go & talk to him ."

"But ."

"No buts go talk to him .it's won't lower your dignity).

So finally getting courage Mac reached infront of his house . He stand there for a moment before entering the house the bodyguards know him so they let me in easily .

"It's 8 pm but why people's have gathered here , and the hall has decorated beautifully , what's arrangements is that for .worrying
Stared to filling in my mind , nope i can't get distracted, i gotta to find him at first . Deciding this i about to go upstairs to his room but someone call make me stop there .

"Mister Who are you ."someone asked from behind .

Mac turned to look at the person .

"Oh I am Mac , I am here to meet Mr. before he can finished his sentence the man speak up "oh I know You , I know you , but why are you dress um what can I say , please don't mind ."the man saying with judging look checking out him head to Toe.

Mac understand his meaning he is taking about his dress so he immediately replied
"Oh I just got here just to say hi , I did not know he is hosting party here so I came here in my regular clothes ."

"What you are not aware of this party but are not Mr Nan & you are like quite close , did he really not invited you ."

"Ah no" Mac agreed with embrassed face then asked "well what this party is for can I know ."

"Well it's a engagement party ."

"Enga_ engagement party ! Who is getting engaged today."

"Who else woner of this house & his future Omega groom."

"Wh_ what ."
Exact that time
"Ladis & gentleman may I have your attention for a moment please, so the times has finally come when our dear son will get engaged to his life partner so let's well come the main character of this party ."

Clapinng sound of everyone started to blow in the hall room when the person appears.

"Everyone let's welcome them, our dear son & his future Omega with a big clapping sound " The person announced loudly . At same time a dazzling light focus on them.

Mac looked at them being curious but as he recognised who is the person standing there with his Omega his whole world shattered in a blink of eye . He don't know how to react so he quickly runaway to go far from this place.

3 months ago .......
Davy :-"What do you think who is going to win this time ."

Boby:- "Well right now the mysteries Mask rider is on lead look like this season formula winer will be him but let's see .

"I think you might be right , I must say he is really good as a new comer ."

Boby:- "good ! I think he is more than then good , his performance is mind blowing as a new participant. One one had heard of him but there he is taking the season in his lead like a Strom .
You know Davy I kind of curious to know his background , no-one knows about him where did he come from , where he trained to be racer on the top of that his face . audiance are including me curious to see his face as he always covered his face in mask .

"You are right Boby , The great mysterious rider who just make his name in a short time stoleing every racer lovers girls heart, what is hiding behind his is mask 🎭.

Boby:-"But right now most important question is c
Mask rider can he win his first moto racing season in formula 1 ?

"But boy oh boy she already had made an impact it's look like no one can take this season title from him now ."

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