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Sorry for late update of this story I hope you will like this chapter, follow for more updates and don't forget to give me your feedback in comment section.
Ma I'll talk to later please don't disturb furthermore, Ayan ending the call thinking to search for Mac & about to made his way to go but he did not have to work hard as Mac has already appeared infront of him in the same floor . He is just few steps far from him , coming excatly towards him with quick speed . So he stand there to wait for him.

Meanwhile Mac also had seen him from far causing him to get much more annoyed than before .

In Mac's pov ..

"I was just so annoyed today , everything going on wrong direction , I am University studying in business so I don't get that much time to look after my father works moreover I had my own free things to do so I don't really care to make time . My father is is already upset by it. And today he had organised a party to introduce me to my fathers company shareholders and his business partners, and dad also told me Mr Alex a great forgiener business man going to attend today's party who is also going to invest in my father's future project, so you can say how this big and important this project can be , so my father wants me to be part of it when I don't even know A how to even make a plans . So I am litterry nervous to meet Mr Alex and my father .They would have been angry on me right , I relly would not have been this late if I had not promised to race today . So I come running here as soon as I can just to get my suit dirty before meeting them . I already feeling irrate by that earlier bastard who had made me fall that's why I will have to sneak out to bathroom before meeting anyone but my mood got worsen as I saw my bastard brother standing little far from me the direction I am going . His sweet talk & fake concern is hella annoying to deal with . Whatever I will just going to ignor his whole existence just as usual and this bastard better not stick around me .

so after coming near his brother try to pass throw him without looking at him silently but Ayan did not let him pass . " Mac , wait ." He called him while holding his hand .

Mac immediately pulled out his hand from Ayan grief & glared at him .

But Ayan ignoring his glare ask with concern " Where did you go Mac you know how much late you are father is worrying so much . And what is with your suit , why did you come looking like that

But not answering again turned his head to go ignoring him but Ayan again stop him ." Hold on Nong , you did not answer me yet why did you come late looking like this .

This time Mac getting angry shoved Ayan hand with a disgust look , and said with stream harsh low tone "I don't Think it's nessery for me to answer you,and why I tell you what , when , why I am doing . So you can use it against me just mind your own business got it .
Ayan already sense his mood getting wrose seeing him so he not biting around the bush just explain to him straight "No nong I would never , please don't misunderstood.

"Who is your Nong , don't pretend to be we are close or something."

"But I wanted us to be close Nong , can not we go back the way we used to be please" Ayan pleaded with soft tone .

But Mac's heart did not soften at all rather he got very annoyed .

"Are you done with this acting ."


"There is no one to saw so stop your drama cause it's hella annoying tolerate I'll rather see you & your mother drama infront of everyone than being watching alone . "

"Mac please don't bring mother between our silly fight she does not know anything about it , if you don't like me it's ok I understand your point but I'll never stop trying to protect you and it's not drama Mac , you are my brother it's my duty to look after you , father gave this responsibility on my shoulder so I can't just let him down . "

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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