IRL Meeting

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The next day.


The class ended and it was finally lunchtime!

I was nervous and very excited today.

Well of course I was always excited for lunchtime (because of food duh) but I was especially excited and even nervous today because I am meeting Ricky!!! 

And others of course.

The minute the bell rang I immediately packed my stuff and headed towards the cafeteria.

When I arrived there weren't that many students yet so it would be easier for him to find Ricky (and the others).

While looking around with my food on a tray I spotted Gunwook waving at me.

"Gyuvin over here!"

I smiled as I saw them I quickly went to them.


"Hey, guys!!!" Gyuvin smiled as he sat down on the empty seat.

"Hi!!" They all greeted Gyuvin back.

"Omg Gyuvin you are so tall! Ricky likes tall boys..." Hao said and winked while Gyuvin got shy.

They talked while waiting for the others to arrive. Currently, there were only Hao, Hanbin, Jiwoong, Taerae, and Gyuvin.

"So since us 5 are here right now who are you most excited to meet? starting from jiwoong!"

"I wanted to meet all of you of course but I have to say I need to meet Yujin. That kid was bullying me through text but he won't be able to bully me in person." Jiwoong said and the others chuckled.

"I also really wanted to meet all of you but right now I am most excited to meet Matthew," Taerae said.

"No surprise there y'all were like the biggest besties in the GC I bet y'all will become even closer now," Hanbin said and the others agreed.

"Ok, so Gyuvin obviously wants to meet Ricky so next!" Hao teased which left Gyuvin shocked a bit.

Did he just skip me like that...

Everyone laughed at Gyuvins expression.

"What am  I wrong?" Hao teased.


No... no you are not wrong" Gyuvin said embarrassed while others laughed again...

"Whipped. Anyway Hanbin?" Hao stated.

"Well obviously I also wanted to meet all of you too but I was most excited to meet Hao" Hanbin winked at Hao who blushed.

"I was excited to meet you too Hanbinie" Hao revealed shyly.

"Who is the whipped one now?" Gyuvin asked now his turn to tease.

"Oh shut up," Hao said and others laughed.

"Oh is that Matthew? Matthew! Over here!" Taerae shouted and Matthew saw him. 

He quickly went towards them with a big smile.

"Hey guys! It's finally nice to meet you!" Matthew greeted and the others greeted back.

They chatted for a few more minutes before Yujin and Gunwook came.

"Hey guys!"


They took a seat and Gunwook spoke up.

"You guys know what? My and Yujin's classrooms are beside each other we just never noticed each other!" Gunwook said.

That explained why those two came together.

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