Nightmare ¿?

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Noor was downstairs at the dining table which was filled with the family
It was breakfast and Noor was trying to eat but she couldn't because of her hand
Minahil's hand was alright as she didn't have that bad of a burn

Saad saw Noor and how she was nit able to eat food . He was about to offer her help but then he saw that she started eating with her left hand like a pro
He laughed seeing this and Noor glared at him making him stop

"Bhabi you should not eat with the left hand"

"Faris her hand is injured that is why she is eating with her left hand"
Said dadi maa
Saad suddenly got an idea to annoy Noor

"Well Faris is right Noor-ul-Ain you shouldn't. Well how about I feed you ?"
He said and Noor looked at him shocked


"Umm yah Ofcourse why not"
Noor was about to say no but

"Yes Ofcourse"
Said dadi maa and Noor couldn't say no to her and infact Minahil was the one going to be jealous if this happens

Well Minahil's expressions were awesome scenario for Noor ao she enjoyed it

Two days later

School was off for few days as new samester had started and Saad's behaviour was alright and they still had their smaal fights atleast once a day

It was Saad's turn on bed today and there was silence inside the room

Noor woke up to sound of someone crying in low voice . She looked at the time and it was 1 am . She suddenly remembered all the horror movies that she had watched and she got scare , too scared to move.

She tried to sleep but couldn't as she could still hear the voice
She decided to go and sleep on the bed and put a pillow in between

She went and sat on the bed and suddenly she realised that the crying voice was now louder . She quickly sits on bed with her feet on bed
She was about to lay down but she saw that Saad was the one crying . She got worried . She shaked him as she understood that he was dreaming

"Saad ... Saad wake up its a dream Saad"

And he woke up

"Shh Saad I am here"
Said Noor holding his one hand as now you have removed your bandage

"Noor is it you?"
He asked as he held both of Noor's hands when Noor just turned the lamp on

"Yah it is me Saad"
Said Noor and Saad just cried while holding her hands
Noor felt hurt seeing him like this she could bare to see him like this

She hugged him and put her one hand in his hair while the other on his back caressing both and he also buried his face in her neck

Noor felt her neck and shirt wet from his tears . Nor kept on caressing his back and hairs while his both hands were on Noor's waist and back holding her close not ready to let go off of her

Noor pulled him out of hug after good 10-12 min
"Please let me h...hug you it feels... its feels good"
Said Saad between his sobs

Noor cupped his face and wiped his tears off of his face git the glass of water from the table while Saad was holding the edge of her shirt scared that she might leave

Noor made him drink water with her own hand and then she again supped his face
"Tell me what happened hmm did you see a nightmare?"

"Ya...yah I did and it... it was soo scary . I ... I am scared please please don't leave me I am scared Noor please"

"Hushh I am not going anywhere hmm?"

He said still sobbing hard and looking into Noor's eyes
Noor gave a peck on his forehead softly and Saad was now looking at her still holding her shirt tightly

"You want to tell what you saw? Hmm?"

"You will laugh at me"

"No I wouldn't"

"You will , Minahil aslo once said she wouldn't but she did"

"I promise you Saad I won't laugh hmm? And I know you are soo brave that if you are scared it must be something big han? Even if it isn't still tell me Saad I am here for you and I always will be"

He hugged her again tightly
""Can we lay down and talk ? I want to be comfortable and I am feeling comfortable with you Noor"

"Ok Saad how do you want to lay down?"

Noor layed down on bed and Saad layed on her one side with her arm under his neck and his face on her chest his one hand on her waist and his one leg over her legs

"Comfortable ?"


"Ok now tell me what did you see?"
Saad was still sobbing

"Can I share anything with you ?"

"Yes Saad I am your wife and your secret keeper hmm"

"I saw the dream of the day my mama died"

"Oh Saad but she is downstairs"

"No she isn't my real mother , she is my father's second wife and my real mother's cousin"

"What !?"

"Yah my mama was Alia and she died when I was very young but I saw her dying so I get this nightmare which scares me"

"Oh Saad"
He looked at her lifting his face up , his eyes red and swollen from crying while his face filled with tear marks and his face completely looking like a lost child

Noor gave him a long peck on his forehead which he enjoyed with his eyes closed as he found comfort in her touch . He just loved it

"Can you please sleep on bed tonight? I am scared"

"Yah Ofcourse Saad"
After this Saad and Noor got into a hugging positionwith Saad's head buried inside Noor's chest and him huggingher tightly as ever not wanting to let go off of her

Noor read Ayat ul kursi afew times and blew it on Saad while he slept like a baby in her arms
Noor finally found out who Alia was and about Saad's nightmare

She guessed maybe this was what dadi maa was talking about
Noor also slept after some time with lamp still on as Saad told her not to turn it off


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