Chapter 6

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Sorry sorry sorry! i havent updated in forever and i feel super bad!! im so sorry. but i read all your comments and i felt like i had to... so i did. this is unedited so plwase eaxcuse my mistakes !! btw,im at work so this is a but rushed

I fell asleep on my bed in an instant and before I could dream about anything pleasant, the sun decided to attack my face. My mom fell asleep with her new "boyfriend" -if that's even what I should call him- on the couch and the TV was still on. I remember him saying he was with the local papers and he had asked me to do a follow up interview on me since the incident. I don't know why people found it such a big deal. To me, it was just some lame attempt to bully me out of my town. They could've tried harder, in my opinion.

Basically, during a soccer game, some idiot decided to gather a bunch of players and jump me because I was gay. It was so cliche of low IQ jocks... In the end, those meat heads were kicked out of school and probably can't come back until I graduate. That's what the get for trying to get at me because the town loves me.

But its not like you can expect something from all that muscle and no brain... all that big, firm, strong muscle used to play those sports... Those bodily contractions...

Snap out of it! Its only the morning, I sighed to myself. It's called morning woo--


My morning thoughts were thankfully cut short by the ringing doorbell, with Jacob most likely being behind the other side. Seeing Jacob won't help your thoughts, my mind said.

Shut up, I snapped back.

I glanced over to my mom and ...him still lying on the couch before grabbing my backpack and leaving to school.


The rest of the week went by super slowly. Nothing really went on in my classes. I didn't tell Jacob about the note and I don't even know if he knew someone saw us... Well, more particularly, just me. But speaking about that note, I found another one. It read:

"I heard you like to bang. Or was it being banged? I can't tell how the faggot sex works. So tell me, do you like being banged? What if banged your head against your locker?"

It sounded like an actual threat. If it was one of those meat heads, they wouldn't faze me. But the creepy thing -and this is the part that is really worrying me- was that there were two notes: the one above was found on my regular, school locker. And there was another one on my gym locker. That read simply said:

"or this locker?"

Someone was seriously spying on me. I mean, someone had to be. The meat head jocks aren't this smart. This person knew I had two lockers and knew which note to post on which locker. They knew I had gym after all my regular classes. The intelligence behind this plot was above that of the jocks I knew. So who was it?

"--ready? Chels is in the car," a voice said. Looking up, I saw Jacob standing in front of me. He looked puzzled that I was looking at so puzzled. "We're going out? With Chelsea? Remember?" he asked, as if it was obvious. Sorry I had something else on my plate.

"Right," I said. I ran upstairs to grab my jacket but then I remembered something super important. I rushed back downstairs to find Jacob still waiting at my door, with that tight black jacket that hugged his arms a bit too tightly, revealing those boulders he has for biceps. I gulped. "I promised Carter I would hang out with him cuz I haven't seen him all week."

"That's cool. Bring him along!" he said.

"Are you sure? I mean, he's not exactly... our age," I trailed.

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