Chapter 7

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SORRY GUYS! I really wanted to have the wax scene in this chapter but I decided against it because I wanted more time writing it haha. Sorry I'm selfish!!! >.< anyways, here's the chapter and excuse my mistakes, it's not edited. <3

It has been almost a week since the carnival. My mind still couldn't believe how fun it was. Carter had a blast too. Everytime he was with me, he would ask about the carnival and if we were going again. I told him I'd have to ask Jacob and he'd say to 'get off my lazy bum and go ask him' in that cute voice of his.

So I've been avoiding Jacob and Chelsea as well. A part is that I don't want to ask them for Carter since I was just trying to get Carter off my case about the carnival. Another part of me is avoiding them because I really really don't want to go through with whatever bet Chelsea had come up with. I knew she said something about what she has in mind for us on the very same night, but I couldn't really catch what she said.

On Tuesday, he texted me and told me that Chelsea had made up her mind and wanted us to do "it" this Saturday. To say I was horrified was an understatement. Women are scary.

Jacob asked me to hang out on that day before our dare. I agreed without hesitating.

"But we can't let Chelsea know," he said. "She's already torturing us. So think of it as a guys' day out."

I suddenly had a change a heart about Saturday. Sure I was still anxious about Chelsea's evil plot but spending the whole day with Jacob was sounding pretty good to me.


The weekend came quicker than I hoped. I got up and was channeling my inner sloth as I moved around my room.

"Gale, you get your lazy ass down here! Jacob is waiting; don't you know not to keep a cute boy waiting?" my mother yelled from downstairs. I felt the blood go straight to my face and I swear, I could kill her right now if there was no blood relations.

... ...

Fuck blood relations, I'm killing her anyways!

I angrily finished my morning routine and stomped to my room and there I saw him sitting on the edge of my bed. He was playing with my Rubix cube but he got frustrated so he started tossing it up and catching it. In the heat of the moment, I had a thought that was a little short of a great idea: I decided to punish him instead of my mother. I threw my towel at his face and smirked when the cube got caught in the towel. I chuckled when it hit him square in the face.

He snatched the towel off his face with a red face and steam from his ears. He tied the cube into the towel and a smirk appeared on his lips. Oh boy, it suddenly got hot and something bad is gonna happen, I just know it.

He started swinging the towel around and started chasing me. Being the ex- super soccer star I am, I maneuver around him easily. His dense football body isn't as graceful as my soccer body. I swiftly darted out the door, completely forgetting the fact that I have to unleash Hell on my own mother.

I was in the middle of my hallway before I felt his arms wrap me around my waist and lift me up against my will. How could he be so strong? I flailed by arms and in the process, I brushed my arm against his bicep, which was flexing from carrying me. I blushed from the contact but it was cut short. He threw me on my bed and started tickling me. What the actual fuck. I'm a high schooler. I shouldn't be ticklish.

But I so am!

He was on the bed now too and his body was hovering over mine and he was still tickling me. I resisted and punched and kicked until he finally stopped. He just remained hovering over me... in my room... on my bed... Oh boy. I have to save myself!

"You know, you don't have a lot of stamina for a football player," I said slyly, smirking.

"Shut up, I've been out of practice."

"Out of practice," I mocked.

"Hop off my case," he grunted while smiling.

We remained there in our own universe. It felt like time had stopped and that nothing else mattered. I just lay there with a slight blush from proximity and he continued to prop himself over me with his arms on both sides of my head. He was still smiling his award-winning smile and it reached all the way to his eyes. The edges of his eyes creased from meeting his smile and his orbs gleamed in the morning light.

We stare into each other's eyes for a little while, until he breaks the eye contact and shoots his eyes down to something else on my face. I read about this in books. He's going to kiss me! I freaked out and died on the inside. I mentally prepared myself as he closed the distance between us by lowering his arms. I braced myself and closed my eyes and felt the weight of his head fall onto... shoulder? My eyes burst open.

He let his head fall into the crook of my neck as the rest of his body dropped onto mine. He began to chuckle into my neck, causing my blush to redden. "Oh boy that was so close," he chuckled.

"What just happened?" I barely managed to get out.

He sighed heavily, sending shivers throughout my body. "I think I almost just kissed you," he said, still speaking into my neck.

As if my blush wasn't red enough, I felt like my face was going to explode. I didn't know how to respond and so, like all the other times I'm with him, I don't. I just lay there with his body on mine and him still breathing into my neck.

He cut the silence with words that hurt more than they should've as he slowly got up. "Sorry about that. That must've been awkward for a straight guy like you," he chuckles. "C'mon, we have an hour before Chelsea needs us there."

I got up. My mind and my expression were reflection of each other; he thought I was straight. I just fucked myself, haven't I?

We loaded the car and I was still... mindless about what just happened. I don't know what to think. He, in a way, just came out to me. But he rejected himself because he thought I was straight. I thought it was pretty obvious that I was drooling over him but I guess not. He thought I was straight? I can't believe it. I had those words on re-run in my head. He thought I was straight. He tried talking to me in the car but I was too numb to respond, only shaking or nodding my head.

He - as in the Jacob I've been crushing on since I met him- thought I was straight. He thought I was straight! I'm hysterical. The more I repeat it, the less of a question it is and becomes more of a fact. He thought I was straight.

He shoke me out of my thoughts and I realized that we were outside of an ice cream shop. How did we end up here?

We walked in and ordered. I got Mint Chocolate Chip and he got the basic Cookies n Cream. We sat and ate our ice cream. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I got it out and checked my text message.


My blood boiled and I stood up. Jacob tried to calm me down and hold me back. But I showed him the text and his facial expression flickered but changed back to the same expression it was before.

"Gale, calm down," he urged.

"No," I said to him. I turned to the ice cream shop and shouted, "Come on out, you wussy. You can't hide behind texts and letter for long."

I sat back down and received another text.

"That was almost intimidating, I'll give you that. Good luck trying to find me."

Was this a challenge?

"I think it's time to go," I announced before letting myself get too worked up.

"Good idea," Jacob said.

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