Chapter one: Robichaux Academy

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You have been sulking in the backseat of taxi cabs for the past two days, trekking your entire life in a couple suitcases cross-country to New Orleans, Louisiana. Over the past few weeks your life has completely changed, for the worse. You spent the summer hiding in your room, recently, you have been blessed, or cursed, by visions. Your newfound foresight comes in bursts, able to accurately predict and reflect on the future. But not when you choose to, additionally, this power seems to only show the bad and embarrassing situations, hence hiding in your room. Asking questions about what your experiencing over social media was a bad idea, you were quickly met with people calling you crazy, but one person calling you a witch. A stupid assumption, at first anyway. Thanks to your big mouth, not only were witches from the Robichaux Academy able to track you down, but so were witch hunters. It started with someone spiking your drink with a liquid drop, that thankfully a friend noticed before you drank. Eventually the attempts at your life led to a bullet through your window, missing you and your fathers head by inches. Only a couple hours after that, your father finally confided in the witches, an older, red-haired woman showed up to your door, flaunting "the best Witch Academy in America" to your father. And he listened alright, sending you away as soon as he could. You watched the raindrops fall down the car window when the moving townscapes outside stopped still, you had arrived at the Academy.

The silent taxi man who, you guessed, was with the witches, took your suitcases with ease, pushing the black metal gate open with his foot. The metal creaking as your eyes drifted to the large white building, your could hear subtle commotion inside and see a couple girls on the balcony looking down at you. Instantly, all the nerves hit you, this academy wasn't exactly huge, but there were at-least thirty or forty other girls here, and you only just felt the final string of your old life snap. You were instantly greeted by the same older woman who you'd seen before.

"Hello darling so glad you could make it, We're all dying for some new faces around here." She said, her voice sounded like one of those classic rich fashion stars, light and floaty, only raspy with age. "Myrtle Snow."
"Dahlia Kendrick." You spoke softly, still overwhelmed by the idea of a new life across states.
"I know, now, why don't we get you to-" the woman was interrupted by another voice, a younger voice.
"To my office?" The younger blonde woman spoke, stepping through a doorway to the left of you and Myrtle. She wore a long, flowy black dress with simple black heels. Her hair was a light, creamy blonde with darker blonde poking through the lower layers. She smiled warmly at you whilst Myrtle moved out the way for her. "Cordelia Goode." She introduced herself, shaking your hand with a gently grip. The man holding carrying bags walked past you and the two other witches, heading upstairs, Myrtle followed him. Cordelia's voice perked your head once more, "If your not too tired from the drive I think we should t

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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