CHP 3.

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Dipper POV.

After they yelled and slapped me some more, I was sent to my room, which is the attic, and Mabel gets the room that had the rug that switched us. "Why did madel do that to me? Whatever, I'm going to bed."

Dipper dream~

LoVe, CoMe OvEr HeRe. I feel like I heard this voice before but were. I watch my 12 year old dream self go over to voice, and my family yelling to stop and come back to them "DIPPER STOP GET AWAY FORM YFII NOW!!" Gruncle Stan said looking crossed with me. "No" I look over and see a guy with yellow hair and yellow eye. Yes eye as in singer, he had a triangle eye patch, and was wearing a suit. In other words, he was handsome , but very familiar to me, like I knew him but from where.

"Dip'n sauce, come back and away from YFII. NOW." I looked back at Mabel then back at my dream self, "No." He looked so close to to killing her, with that murderes look in his eyes.

The guy in the tux was about to say something when all of a sudden everything started shaking, then I hear. "Hey, Dip-shit wake up!"

End of dream~

I woke up jumping up. I look around to see Mabel over me and a hurting check. I think she slapped me again. "Hurry up. You need to put these signs in the woods again." She exclaimed as she walked out. I quickly get up and get dressed for the day. Today I'm wearing a dark blue shirt, jeans (anyone else hate ripped jeans.), and a jacket that match's the shirt.

I walk down stairs for some food before heading out to put the signs up. I was out there for a hour going deeper in the woods when I heard someone call for me. "Dipper come over here, beloved." I don't know why but I followed the voice to a clearing with a triangle statue in the middle covered in Vines and flowers.

"Welcome home, love"

Sorry I have been having writers block. That is all, kits.

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