Chapter 20 - Definitely not weak

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Dr. Strange helped Ryra stand up off the couch.
"You got it? You a little shakey still."
Ryra grabbed ahold of his arm and smiled some.
"I got it big brother...thank you!"
She walked over to the monitors and pointed at one of the pulsating dots.
"What is this place here? And who or what are you tracking?"
Tony came over and checked where she was pointing.
"Oh, I put a tracker on Squidward before he jetted back out of here. That place is right outside of town. What's up?"
"Does that place have shipment containers all set up and waiting to be shipped?"
"I believe so..." Tony raised an eyebrow in question "why you ask?"
"Loki and I hid behind a huge one before Thanos' goons found us and I got sent back here. I thought the place looked familiar! "
"Let's gear up and check it out!"
Ryra used her magic and changed into her battle suit.
"Where do you think you are going?" Strange asked her. "You are in no condition to go and fi..."
"I am going to get my husband back...with or without despite what you say...I am going."
Steve and Thor came up next to her, all dressed and ready to go.
"It's only fair...we can't keep her in the dark anymore..."
"Plus if she is there, it may lure Thanos or his goons out. Thinking she is weak."  Thor said.
Ryra reached down, grabbed Mjölnir and handed it to Thor.
Steve smirked and nodded towards her. "And obviously, they would be greatly mistaken"
Thor looked confused at her then smiled super big. "I knew it little one!" He grabbed his hammer from her.  "Let's go kick some ass!"
Everyone headed out to the shipping yard to see what they could find.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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