chapter 21: beginning of the end

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Y/n was a relatively light sleeper. He could wake up at the slightest things: a horse walking by his house l, a car going by with its headlights on, birds singing too loudly near the windows, or even Selina moving around the bed too much.

What he'd didn't expect was a little body jumping on top of him  and knocked the wind out of him.

Morning, Papa! Mama!

Y/n chuckled as his wife groaned.

His precious Céline her tiny wings flapped happily in excitement, her face showed an infectious smile as Y/n stroked his daughter's H/C and silver laced hair making her giggle.

"Papa stop you're going to ruin my hair."

Rising up, Salina looked at her little girl with a pout for being tackled in the gut by their Five-year-old princess, but that soon faded when she took her into her arms, making her laugh and giggle as she dragged her out of bed. Salina lifted her up and down into her arms, spinning around, Céline while spread her arms and wings around like she was flying.

Landing her back into her arms, Salina kissed her and smiled. "What's got you all dressed and excited today, my little Angel?"

Papa said you were going to take me to aunt Charlie's hotel today, want to make sure you can get ready since you and Papa are so lazy. Céline said as she proudly gave a trumpet huff.

"Did you eat breakfast already?" Y/n asked with an amused smirk.


"Go to the bathroom?"


"Shower and brush your teeth?"


"Remember your teddy."

"Ye-wait I forget Benny put me down mama I got to go get him he hates being alone."

Salina chuckled and set thier daughter down as she raced to her room to get her teddy bear that y/n gave her on the day she was born. Thier little Angel all but loved it and never was anywhere without it. When she could remember to take it. Y/n  sat up in bed stretching his arms and getting out of bed. While doing so, a familiar imp knocked on the door before being told to enter.

Baron y/n, Baroness Salina good morning to you, I see the young master is in a rush today. Abisai chuckles.

"Your telling us despite not aging anymore I swear that child has more energy then the both of us combined."

"Ahh the energy of youth... Well if your required more energy I brought you both a little boost." With both hands Abisai handed them both a cup of coffee with a bit of something extra in it.

"Mhm thank you... This is just what I needed, you truly outdone yourself old friend."

"Anything for you and your family sir, I live to serve until the end of existence itself."

"Papa?" Octavia turned down to see Astra looking at her with a big smile. "I'm still sleeping over at auntie Charlie's today, right?"

"Of course," Y/n replied as he knelt down and booped his daughter on the beak. "But you better be sure to behave, right?"

"Please, if anything, Angel dust will be the one causing more trouble," Salina joked, and Y/n rolled his eyes. Even if a part of him believed that to be more accurate. Ever since Angel dust went clean about three years ago he was more thoughtful of people and caring, unfortunately that did nothing to kill his adventures spirit especially with Carrie bomb. A few years back after leaving his daughter In his care because Thier usual babysitter was busy with her hotel project the two left her with angel because they had a state that night. An hour later as the just so happen to walk by tv screens they saw angel and Thier daughter in a highspeed chance.

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