Spooky Mission

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    The two coworkers, Pim and Charlie, were sent off on yet another mission to help make someone smile. Their abnormal boss had told them quote, "There was a paranormal woman on the phone screeching about how unhappy she's been! What'd you say boys, can you help her out?"

    Since the two employees had no other choice, they drove down to the given address and stood before a giant victorian looking abandoned residence.

    "It certainly... looks nice, doesn't it, Charlie?! Reminds me of the haunted houses in amusement parks!" Pim said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as he could in the situation they were in.

    "Pim, I just want to get paid by Friday. Let's just get this over with and not like, die, or something." Charlie knocked on the front door, a creaking sound was made as the door unlatched. The two men looked at each other before shrugging and just walking in.

    "Hello?! Anyone home?" Pim yelled out, an echo followed. The house's interior was somewhat empty, like someone was just moving in. All the furniture was covered by white cloth and the wallpaper was a royal purple. Every step the two workers took, a creaking sound of the old floorboards would follow.

    "Dude everything smells like dust, are you sure you got the right address?!" Charlie spewed out after taking a sniff of the home's stale air.

    Pim reached into his pocket and checked his phone, the light from his device contrasting to the dark area they were in now. "Yeah no, this is the exact place the boss gave me." He held his phone up to show his coworker.

    "You're lying...ok, listen, why don't we just stick together and try to find this lady, why don't we try going down that ominous dark staircase that leads to the basement." He pointed to the staircase that was next to them, completely oblivious to the horrors they may witness.

    "I don't know about that, Charlie, there's another staircase up there that leads to the second floor, maybe we should try their first? Maybe they're sleeping?"    

    "Ok, that's enough, Pim, you're sounding stupid, obviously if they were down in the dumps they'd be hiding in a soulless cellar, that's what'd I do at least." Charlie without a second thought walked down the stairs to the basement. Pim, feeling conflicted, still followed him, he didn't want to be left alone in a house like this. 

    The stairs felt loose and nails were sticking out of the steps. The more they ventured below, the more drips of water they heard. It was like something was leaking and it was soaking the floors and making the air smell like soggy fabric. At this point Pim was close by Charlie, holding onto the back of his sweater in fear.

    "I really don't like this anymore, Charlie. This seems like a trap!" Pim whispered anxiously. "I could start up the car and we can get out of here." He stumbled over his words.                                      Before Charlie could respond they reached the bottom of the basement, and in their presence was a box and a little note. Charlie took the initiative to pick up the note and read it out loud.       

    "Thank you for showing up, you truly made me smile, a gift for you?" He read, then looked away to look at the box. "See I told you, Pim, they were down here all along, they even left us a tip!"

    "Oh, how odd, but if they claim we made them smile by just showing up, it's a successful mission to me!" Pim gained back his confidence and gleamed with joy, knowing he made people feel better was one of his great pleasures in life.

    Charlie bent down and picked up the box, it was made of beaten up cardboard, lazily tapped at the top. Pim watched Charlie open the box up with anticipation, both of the men feeling a sense of dread wash over them. A small plush toy of Pim was revealed, stitches all over the fabric with pin needles sticking out of the arms and forehead.

    "This isn't really what I was expecting." Charlie said in an annoyed tone, obviously expecting something much more valuable.

    "But Charlie, can't you see!? They appreciated us so much they made a tiny toy of me! Oh, how adorable! Maybe they made one for you too!" Pim grabbed the plush toy and stared lovingly into its beady eyes.

    With a sudden gust of wind coming from seemingly nowhere, Pim was dragged up the stairs, his screams filling the house with a loud thud of a nearby door.

    Witnessing all this, Charlie ran out of the house also howling, leaping out of the front door he and his coworker left open. He laid down to catch his breath and looked up at the front of the house again, terror in his small eyes.

    "I'm sure he'll be alright...I'll just wait for him back at the office. Every man for himself after all." And so, Charlie got into the car and drove off, hoping the spirits would have mercy on Pim's soul.

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