"Sir, someone is at the front ringing for you" his security informs him.
"Tell them I'm busy"
"They told me if you were to say such, to say 'stargazing' or something"

Minho quickly looked up at the mention of such thing. He was conficted. This could either be the person he so desperately wants to see or it will be someone trying go wiggle into his life by using old memories against him. Memories which could only bring a sense of nostalgia.

"Do you have the security footage of the front?"
"Yes sir"
"Show me it"

The secretary is quick to walk out the room in search of a source to show the requested footage. Just as quick as they'd left, they were back this time with an ipad in hand.

"Here sir" they hand of the smart device, before stepping back politely.

"Let them in"


Anxiety was pooling in the pit of stomach. Churning and attacking his insides, spreading throughout as if it had poisoned his blood, the red streams now violent torrents of nerves. The boy did not think he'd be back to visit this dreaded person so soon. He'd only left such buildings yesterday, after he'd stormed out. Pulling a childish tantrum. Oh how embarrassing such events felt to him now. But anywho, he was back and not at all ready to pull this off. But it was needed. He needed to speak to this person if he wished to move on with his life plan.

A sigh leaves his lips just as the doors are opened in front of him.

"Sir shall see you, please follow me."

Just like he was told jisung is quick to follow the lead of the tall boy who'd just allowed him to enter. He had not seen this boy last time. Last time a shorter, musclier man answered the door. This boy was tall and his frame was more delicate? Was the even the way to describe it? However the boy was not certain that he was not stronger than him and let's not forget the few inches taller he was compared to himself.


"Why are you back here again?"

Jisung was quick to look back up into the dark depths of the others eyes. How those small circles contained so much life and emotion was beyond the boys knowing.

"I.. wanted to talk"
Those hollow words, the words he knew couldn't be anything good especially after the younger tiny explosion yesterday, still hit Minho right in the heart. He knew that even if they meant nothing it would mean talking about certain situations which he was not quite ready to share; even if the person standing in front of him used to be the person who listened to every tiny good or bad detail about his life, knew every secret held within him and even could tell what emotion he was feeling by tiny, miniscule, reactions his body performed out of pure reflex. But this person now knew nothing. Or if he did, he'd probably tried to forgot and probably couldn't give less of a fuck.


"What do you mean 'why' Min?"
"You know exactly 'why'"


"You want to talk about everything you refused to just yesterday"

The silence, blushed cheeks and inability to hold eye contact gave him his answer immediately.
"No." Minho sighed.
"No?" Jisung repeats, his face contorting into a state of confusion and annoyance "What do you mean 'no'?"
"I mean no jisung. I'm not talking about this today"
The younger was quick to roll his eyes
"I'll be following you around until you say yes"
"Do as you please" the older replies sighing heavily before turning back towards his  monitors and focusing on his work.

A few hours later (9pm)》

Minho leans back in his chair, finally he had replied to the hundreds of emails he'd recently left on read and sorted out business for the next few days. The poor guy was tired beyond belief and just wanted to rest, however the brunette he'd forgotten about was still sat in his office and was not going to let that happen.

"Are you finally finished"  Minho sighs after realising the tiny inconvenience he'd forgotten about.  "Why are you still here"  He says looking towards the boy.
"I told you I won't leave"

The tired male was quick to stand up, collect his jacket and make his way out of the office. He'd decided ignoring the problem will make it go away. That's what he does with all problems and it seems to work to a certain degree so it's exactly what he's going to do now.

"Hey, wait up you asshole" jisung says with a small angry pout which was practically audible. He does a little jog to catch up to the older who seems to be practically sprinting down the corridor. Why is this guy walking so fast!?

He climbs into the drivers seat of a black audi r8 ((these are cars are just 😘👌)) hoping that if he's quick enough he'll be able to drive off before his problem is able to get in. However the world clearly has ulterior  motives for today, because he is able to get in the car, breathing heavily from the small run he'd just had to take to keep up with him.

But he just has to ignore him and he'll go away right? So just ignore his existence.

"Why the fuck do you walk so quick and how the fuck do you afford this shit!?" He asks loudly while putting the seat belt on.

Ignore it. Do Not Respond.

"Hello???" Jisung turns sideways to look at the other only to see that they are staring forward with the blankest look ever.
"Are you ignoring me?" He sits back quite violently groaning in annoyance. "Are you seriously trying to cancel me out....again?"


"I swear to god Minho, answer me."
Yet again he was responded to with silence but this time the male moves to put his seatbelt on before pushing his foot all the way down on the pedal. Gratefully he had the safety of his seatbelt, but if they were to crash at this speed i wouldn't really think it would do much. "SLOW DOWN ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US!?"

Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

At this point, jisung was practically glued to the small handle on the door.
And Minho was showing no signs of slowing down.
"If this is one way of trying to scare me away it won't work so please stop putting both our lives in danger.. yeah?" Jisung says with a small hopeful smile that he might leave this car still breathing.
Yet again the elder doesn't respond but instead turns a corner into the plot of a large property and slams his foot on the brake rather than the accelerator. Taking a deep breath, he steps out the car before handing the keys to a boy who seems to be the boy who lead jisung to the office earlier that day.
"Seungmin make sure a room the otherside of the house to mine is made ready for this..." minho looks back towards Jisung "guest". And that all he says before disappearing into the massive house.

.."what the fuck happened to you Minho. Your suddenly so cold... and loaded" jisung mumbles to himself scanning over the intricately designed architecture infront of him.


Word count : 1230

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long, I ran into writers block and had a super busy schedule I suppose I could say haha! When I had time I came here to write and found our my book description and tags had been deleted like what happened to those 😭

ANYWAYSS I'll try update every two weeks or so but I make no promises!!
Look after yourself, stay healthy, I proud of you lovely! Bye bye xx)

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