Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The house was dark and silent when he slipped in through the kitchen. He could see the flicker of flames in the fireplace dimming down for the night. The body on the couch didn't move, she was curled in a tight ball. Wrapped tight in the heavy quilt, little Maddie thought she was safe with her bodyguard sleeping with her.

He stepped into the room and stood behind the couch. Yes, that's it, dream a little dream for me. He sang in his head. Keep dreaming, baby girl, we'll be together soon and there won't be a McKennan in sight to save you soon.

His fingers brushed through her hair, causing her to shift in her sleep. A sick smile came to his lips, turning as he began his ascent to the attic. Where it all began, he thought as he took the first step. One by one, he made his way up into the icy cold room above his sleeping angel. Step by step, he was getting closer to his birthright. He would have what was owed him, even if it killed him.

It had taken too long, much too long, to go through the contents of the attic. If it was up here, Candace had hidden it well. Frustrated, he started to leave, but noticed something different with the wall by the door. It was as if a brick, right below the light switch, had been removed and then stuck back in, but not quite all the way. He smiled, what a novel idea, smart girl. He reached out and began working the brick out of its place.

It didn't take long before he had gotten the brick out. He shined his penlight into the hole. Nothing but cobwebs and dirt filled it. No, it had to be here, He thought and slapped the brick into the palm of his hand. It was then that the small folded piece of paper fell out of the hole that had been carved into the brick, falling into his hand. He had it at last.

Unfolding the paper, he saw what he had been searching for - Pierce Stone's true identity. No wonder Stone hadn't used the paternity tests against Candace, she had the ability to ruin him with one phone call.

If the Mayor, Chief of Police or any of the town's big wigs knew who Stone really was, the man would lose everything, not to mention he would be back behind bars for the rest of his life.
The sound of a phone ringing downstairs had him freezing in his tracks. They were going to be woken up and he was going to be stuck in the house for God knows how long. This was not good news for him. Slowly, he made his way to the stairs and listened as Michael answered the phone.

"Matt! Matt, slow down and tell me again," Michael's voice was slurred and groggy. He rubbed his face and tried to remove the sleep from his eyes. It wasn't until the words 'killer in the house' was said that Michael hitched himself up off the floor and was now at full attention. "Are they okay?"

He wanted to go, to be there for his family, but he knew he also had an obligation to Madison and keeping her safe. If this killer was able to get into their family home, then coming after Madison was a definite possibility. The danger level for her had just increased tenfold. Michael knew better than to leave her alone now.

Madison sat paralyzed. The phone call had scared her to death and brought her out of what she was sure to be another beginning of a horrible nightmare. She could still feel his fingers on her hair as she trembled under the quilt. She was sure if the phone hadn't rung she would have awakened Michael with one of her blood curdling screams. Madison remembered how her mother hated it when she woke her with them.

As Madison listened to Michael's end of the conversation, she caught the basics of what had happened. The killer had gotten into the McKennan house. Everyone was fine, but Cassie had the daylights scared out of her. She couldn't blame Cassie for wanting her husband home. She's had her own fears plenty of times being alone in this house with her own demons watching her. Madison remembered being alone, wanting someone to comfort her more times than she cared to count, but there was no one there who cared enough to help her.

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