Birthday Scarf

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Marinette groaned & rolled over in her bed, suddenly hearing her alarm go off

Marinette: Ugh.. shit..

She opened her eyes & turned it off, yawning & stretching her arms

She looked at her phone, seeing it was June 13th

Marinette: Huh. Looks like it's his special day.

She began texting Adrien

Marinette: Happy birthday, stubborn cat. :)

Sabine: Marinette, it's time to get up for school!

Marinette: Coming, Mom!

She climbed out of bed, but then tripped over her foot, landing on the floor

Marinette: Ow, that hurt!

Sabine: Marinette, are you alright?

Marinette: Uh, yeah! I'm fine!

She picked herself up, rubbing her waist

Marinette: I really need to work on catching myself before falling.

She walked downstairs, heading into the kitchen & her mother placed her breakfast down on the table

Marinette's Breakfast:

Sabine: So, how did you sleep, honey?

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Sabine: So, how did you sleep, honey?

Marinette: I slept well.

Sabine: It's Adrien's birthday today. Are you going to do something special for him.

Marinette: Actually, yeah, I am. I haven't really used it yet, but im gonna knit Adrien a scarf with my sewing machine.

Sabine: Aww, that's sweet of you, Marinette.

She giggled & smiled a lot

Sabine: Did you fill out any college applications yet?

Marinette: Yeah. I made applications to Paris University & Sorbonne University. Hopefully one of the schools accept me. I really want to join for a fashion major.

Sabine: Do you know what you'd do with your major after graduating?

Marinette: Well, I'd open my own boutique & make my own designs. I'd be my own person who runs a successful fashion business.

She smiled, wrapping her arms around her daughter

Sabine: I'm really proud that you're looking into your future, sweetheart. It just shows how mature & independent you're going to be once you reach adulthood.

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